Just getting started

Hi Forum,
I’ve just started taking 90 min hot vinyasa flow classes. I’ve done about 5 so far, and I’m addicted. I get such a strong feeling that there is so much to be gained, including understanding of myself and the world around me, by continuing down this path. I’m a very driven and successful person, but I feel that my accomplishments in life are insignificant compared to what others have found in their lives due to yoga. Therefore, I strive to achieve and experience what they have.

I want to learn more, but I am a bit overwhelmed at all the information that exists. I’m the type of person that likes to set goals, to know where I’m going, but I’m having trouble doing that here. I was wondering if anyone could recommend some simple reading that could define the various types of yoga in a way that beginners can easily understand. I’d like to continue learning, and in order to do that I need to have an idea of the basic framework. In other words, I am the person that needs to put the outside of the puzzle together, and then fill in the inside.

I am open to any advice!

Thank you! :smiley:


While I don’t have any specific advice other than to enjoy your practice, I wanted to welcome you to the forums :slight_smile:

Ok, now obviously this is just my opinion… I would recommend BKS Iyengar’s book, Light on Yoga. This is not about different Yoga styles I’m afraid, but it is considered a Yoga bible. Now, for me personally, Yoga is part of my way of happiness in life. It helps me to feel satisfied with who I am, and helps minimize my desire to change things or acquire more in life. It’s help me to just be. Happy in the moment, with who I am. This means that when I practice, I feel very free from goals, or dissatisfaction. A goal for me represents a desire for things to be different, and is like throwing happiness away, off somewhere into the future. Yoga brings happiness back to the present moment. This is what Yoga is all about for me, however, many might disagree with this interpretation of Yoga, which is also good. I would suggest to just develop a practice, and let it’s meaning come to you.

In looking through my library, I came across one book that gives a brief, concise explanation of the main styles. T.K.V. Desikachar, “The heart of Yoga”. Chapter 15 is where he gives the description. And just a plain good book!

Other books of interest besides Light on Yoga would be Iyengar’s, “The Tree of Yoga” which I think is a good beginning book, and Deepak Chopra’s, “The seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga”

Best of luck on your journey!

Light on Yoga seems to come up often on this forum, so I went ahead and ordered it on ebay.

There are so many terms to learn, I hope it has a glossary!

[QUOTE=trademarked;34814]Light on Yoga seems to come up often on this forum, so I went ahead and ordered it on ebay.

There are so many terms to learn, I hope it has a glossary![/QUOTE]

Good one! That’s a nice purchase. I wouldn’t worry too much about learning the terms, they’ll come naturally over time. Just enjoy the practice,

Congrats on getting integrated into yoga. Welcome!