Anulom-vilom and heart patients

please avise me whether anulom-vilom pranayama without retention of the breath can be practiced by heart patients- i mean to say ptients who had bypass surgery and patients who had ischemia ?

am sorry, i dont know abt such kind of patientsbut it should be done after bhastrika, kapalbhati, bhayi pranayama, along with brmhari and udgeeth pranayama after anulo-vilom.

Samareddys, you do not know about such kinds of patients, but you will still tell this member what “should be done” and how anulom-vilom pranayama “should be done” within a sequence of other pranayama? In your unknowing, you have offered this member a dangerously contraindicated set of practices for his condition. Please, use some restraint in your offerings here because speaking without knowing is himsa, and this set of practices you recommended, likely harmful.

I will not advice your pranayama practice through this forum with the conditions that you listed. In my opinion, you would be best served, in benefit and in safety, by working one-on-one with a qualified teacher. Perhaps others here will be willing to offer you more here, but please, I urge you to use your best judgment in what you put into practice.


[QUOTE=tatvamasi42;16229]please avise me whether anulom-vilom pranayama without retention of the breath can be practiced by heart patients- i mean to say ptients who had bypass surgery and patients who had ischemia ?[/QUOTE]

I can see that Swami Ramdev recommends anulom-vilom pranayama TO CURE
high blood pressure:

Wow you’re really into Swami Ramdev:-)

I would not recommend retentions of any sort with patients that have heart issues. Breath retention can harden the diaphragm. That “hardness” can press upward and pressure the heart.

Consider a gentle Ujjayi on the exhalation AFTER the student has mastered breath awareness.


Instead of suggesting this or that pranayama, I would like to suggest that it is important for a heart patient to alter his/her pattern of breathing. Most people is about 100% of the time thoraic breathers. What you need to learn is to change or at least alter your thoraic pattern to a diaphragmatic breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing increase the efficiency of ventilation and as a result decrease the amount of labour required by the cardio-pulmonary system.

In order to get this right, please seek the help of a teacher, this is not something to be taken lightly as indicated already by other members and their comments here. You can later once you have established a good and healthy pattern again move on the pranayamas and integrate them.

Good luck.