Ayurveda Question

I’m reading Dr. Vansant Lad’s The Science of Self Healing. I’ve been interested in Ayurveda for a while now so I decided to pick up this book at my Yoga Studio. Now I’m confused on this aspect. If we are one of Pitta, Kapha, or vata are we then to balance the tridoshas? Or are we only to focus on the dosha that makes up our humor? I’m confused how I should approach this. As I’m sure we all have a few of the doshas…so I may be predominantly pitta but have some behaviors of kapha. So this is where I wonder if I am to focus on the all three rather than one dosha? Hope this makes sense!

As far as I know, that you have to focus on the one which is most prominent and try to balance. You can google for balancing Pitta dosha. An expert would know better.

I have a similar question for Vata dosha. A vata mind is requited to be grounded and centered regularly for which yoga balancing asanas such as the Tree pose, Taadasan ,Warrior pose etc are recommended.

I recently came across a writeup which says that vata people should avoid back bends, such as bow, cobra, pigeon, and arch, which increase vata, or hold them briefly. I want to confirm if this is true.Kindly let me know. Vata people are also supposed to avoid aerobic exercise but I love playing Tennis everyday. Is there any way of counterbalancing the adverse effect of aerobic exercise just as we have counterpose for a yoga pose?

I think that you can still do those asanas but what I’ve read is not to overdue it! Most yoga classes have mutlitple asanas to counter pose a previous asana! But what I’ve read is that Vatta doshas tire quickly and lose energy fast. Although, vatta doshas tend to be full of energy this burst can put vatta dosha people in a tired state or bored state of a particular exercise or regime. But if you like Tennis…continue doing it! If you like how you feel when you are done with the sport, by all means continue playing tennis! I think if you incorporated some asanas after Tennis…or pranyama that would be a good counter pose to your workout! Hope that helps!! And thanks for the advice as well!!


Thanks. Vata dosha being full of energy is interesting. Did you read this in the same book you have mentioned in the original post?

I found it both in my book as well as online!! In my book it states: Physical Activity: Very Active. Mind: Restless, Active.
http://www.chopra.com/vata is where I actually read more detailed information! But I’m really reading some good information in my book as well!!