Best book for kundalini practice and arousal?

I have read and poured all over Genieve Lewis Paulson’s “Kundalini and Chakra Yoga” which to me was more or less a basic book and failed to produce any good results.The author works with the premise that “Chakra work is like working on taking care of the tyres of your car …but if there isnt any fuel (kundalini) : your wheels wont be taking you anywhere”.
So most of the practice focuses of direct* kundalini activation and arousal…for about year Ive delligently practiced all the exercizes given but dont think the amount of work put in is equaling the results yielded.
I now have the lucky opportunity of getting to order a book online.I want this to be a well informed decision and everything on amazon seems to have a lot of marketing-oriented hype.
I’m looking for smthg of a Kundalini Bible : clearly given exercizes ,postures or mantras - Nothing with hyperbole or theory : something from which one can build a very solid basic routine
something tried and tested that does yield results.
looking forward to suggestions

This is a good Kundalini website with many good books. Are you also taking classes or working with a teacher/guru? Kundalini awakening can be dangerous if one is not ready. Be careful. My suggestion is to not try. Just let it happen. That’s the beauty of Kundalini.

The book “Kundalini Yoga” by Swami Sivananda is probably a classic.
You can read it right here, on-line:

I found a short instruction that yielded astounding results in a fairly short time. That’s just me and maybe I was ready for it. I’m reluctant to reveal it publicly, and would like to know how do you define kundalini and why do you want to awaken it?