Concentration in asana

how to regulate the mind in the asana positions
breath /mantra/meditation techniques

what do the experts and sutras say?me ia m combining zen techniyues with asana



In order to regulate mind while performing asanas, you can take following things into account:

  1. Spread your attention throughout the body.
  2. Equalize your breathing or maintain ujjai breathing.
  3. Make sure to follow rules of focussing physical vision (eye sight) on a particular part
    body or environment.
    It is sure that if one is not experiencing stillness and pleasure (or moments/taste of yoga)while doing asanas, he/she is missing art of doing the same.
    Vijay Singh Gusain

[QUOTE=HealthAndYoga;70737]In order to regulate mind while performing asanas, you can take following things into account:

  1. Spread your attention throughout the body.
  2. Equalize your breathing or maintain ujjai breathing.
  3. Make sure to follow rules of focussing physical vision (eye sight) on a particular part
    body or environment.
    It is sure that if one is not experiencing stillness and pleasure (or moments/taste of yoga)while doing asanas, he/she is missing art of doing the same.
    Vijay Singh Gusain[/QUOTE]

This is really ecellent advice.

Do not think of the asana as a goal… think of it as an offering
Best advice. :slight_smile: