Difficulty with Hip External Rotation

A student of mine has the following: in the JF’ing series, totally unable to externally rotate with exercise #5. Has to have 2 large bolster for pigeon pose, or burning logs. Cannot tilt pelvis forward in any sitting pose. When in Upavist konasana can go all way down with her chest to the floor, but her pelvis is strangely not tilting (it’s an overcompensation of other muscles helping her). When she was a baby she had to have braces on both legs because the doctors thought her acetabulums were too narrow. She has other good flexibilities: flexion, extension, abduction and adduction, and her gastrocs are flexible as well. Can you give some insight. (She has no xrays).

Gocus on developing strenth in these muscles by doing sunbird pose, from Joint Freeing series #7 with foot turned out, thus hip lifting and uneven. Also have her lean to the side more so when doing JFS #5 she can get the motion there too. Shoulders will need to be quite to the side, thus lateral spine flexion. Also do locust pose with single leg externally rotating. The muscles will respond to tone efforts when postures are modified to address the specific muscle weakness. namaste mukunda