Elbow balance and headaches?

I’ve been trying to master my elbow balances (not sure of the correct name, like a handstand but on the elbows). Today straight after practicing the posture I suddenly felt a headache. I held the pose first off for 22 breaths, then rested in child’s pose, then up again for another 22 breaths, then rest, then did the pose 4 more times holding each time for 15 breaths and resting in between. After resting I went into halasana which felt good, then when I got up I had a headache. The headache went away after about 15 minutes but my head continued to stay a bit foggy for some time after. Does anyone have any explanations? Thanks

It might be spasm of a little blood vesel. (vein ?)

You must be very advanced to do so difficult poses for so long. Are the described numbers your usual numbers or you just felt better an done more this time ?

When I first started doing salamba sirsasana (supported headstand) I would get headaches afterward. I started drinking a lot more water and the problem has waned a lot.

I think it has a lot to do with the blood rushing to your head for so long though.

Thanks, do you mean drink more in general or at a specific time before or after practice?

Thanks for your response. I often do that with alot of poses, hold them for a while and focus on my breath sometimes I try to hold the pose for a little bit longer than the last time I did it, if that’s not possible I usually repeat the same pose for the same amount of time. I find I tend to get too used to the same thing otherwise and find it difficult to move forward.[quote=Hubert;4924]It might be spasm of a little blood vesel. (vein ?)

You must be very advanced to do so difficult poses for so long. Are the described numbers your usual numbers or you just felt better an done more this time ?[/quote]

Is it Pincha Mayurasana we are talking about?

yes, thankyou that’s the correct name (pincha mayurasana), I couldn’t remember the name.

More closer to the time of my practice. I now take a water bottle with me and have a few sips when my mouth gets really dry. Throughout the day I have always had a lot of water to drink, but no matter how much I drink I still get so thirsty during practice too.


there are several possibilities for the “why” of the headache you mention.
It requires assessment which means I (or another teacher) would need to see you in several poses to make a robust and accurate determination.

Commonly put forth is the concept that the student in not breathing or not breathing properly. And obviously respiration does play a role. Breathing should not be choppy but rather a smooth, unaggressive inhalation and exhalation of equal duration.

More likely though is the alignment of the head and the action of the serratus anterior in this particular pose. If the serratus is not engaged it it possible the upper fibers of the rhomboids are not releasing. That lack of release could “restrict” certain pathways into the cranium. This might result in a headache. It is possible to “do” this pose and neglect the serratus. I say that to infer that doing the pose does not mutually include the serratus action I’m outlining.

Furthermore, one does not go back up into inversions when coming down from fatigue. If one comes down from balance, fine, go back up. But going back up when fatigued is ill-advised.

Since you do not talk about the breath in halasana should we assume you are holding your breath? You’re very descript about the breathing in Pincha Mayurasana but neglect to share it for halasana and since your headach comes after halasana it seems appropriate to include.

I would also like to know how you are coming out of halasana. By “how” I mean how long are you in halasana and how do you come out bio-mechanically speaking, and what do you do immediately following that exit.

Thanks, I don’t think it’s the breathing. I’m breathing normally in halasana and staying in the pose for about 3 minutes. I didn’t mention the breath because I don’t seem to be having a problem with halasana. It’s more of a counteracting pose for me and quite restfull. I come out of it by locking on my abs, keeping my legs as close to my chest as possible and slowly roll down vertebrae at a time. I’ll stay in corpse pose after that for a while and then I generally continue my practice, but this particular time of the headache I stopped after corpse and needed to walk around for a bit, then didn’t return to practice apart from sitting in lotus to watch tv. I think probably I was just fatigued. When I did pincha mayurasana yesterday I didn’t hold for as long, didn’t go up so many times and didn’t get a headache. Thanks for your help.