Knee cap troubles and the lotus stretch

Hi I believe that I have Patellar Subluxation / Dislocation which means that my knee cap slides in and out of place. The stretch that i am most conserned about right now is the lotus stretch. When i do it my knee cap will often dislocate and i have to pop it back in. I’ve tried knee braces but dont like them because i also wrestle and my knee cap pops out alot there too. I figured i could try doing the Mcconnel tapeing of it (you can find it on youtube. i can’t put url’s in my posts yet) but my main question is do you think it is going to affect my lotus stretch. thanks for your help.


Coming from some body with knee issues, my advice it to avoid/use modifications on poses like lotus, eagle and cow face pose. You need to strengthen the muscles surrounding your knee joint to pretect it from dislocating. Also work on opening up your hips because if your hips are tight then your knee join may be acting as a lever to get you into lotus, which it is not designed to do. I recomend a book called “Yoga for Healthy Knees: What You Need to Know for Pain Prevention and Rehabilitation by Sandy Blaine”


Thanks for the advice. What you said about the hips makes perfect sense. I dont feel that the muscles surrounding my knees are that weak, because i squat pretty good weight for my size.

Answering your main question…“yes” it would affect padmasana.

The larger question, begged by your post, is “what is your intention relative to your current knee instability?”.

How is your mobility?

What do you do for prehab and rehab?

Do you have trigger points?

Mobility and stability are closely related.