Left knee pops on bend, right hip pops when opening

when i straighten my left leg, and then bend it all the way in the normal full range of motion…when its about completely bent it makes a rather loud pop sound under the knee cap, i can do this about 5 or 6 times before itll stop popping.

when i sit on my butt with my legs straight out infront of me, and then let my right leg fall to the side so that my right toe pointsto the side, my right hip makes a loud pop sound.

also when i sit in indian style and lean forward both of my hips will pop.

when i lean down into the triangle pose, whichever leg is infront…the corresponding hip will make a pop sound.

when i walk up the stairs my ankles and knees pop almost with every snigle step.

im still pretty new to yoga (never been to a class, but my dads been doing it since he was a kid and he tells me im fine, but im still pretty worried)

id say ive been stretching only for a few months though,

if i start early in the day i can get into lotus position for a few seconds before it hurts my ankles and i have to pull out (so i dont do that, i mainly try for half lotus, doing a lot of pigeon pose and kneeling and the standign asanas though)

i guess my question is this, is it okay that i pop so much?

my tai chi teacher also tells me that im okay…but i guess it just is all so loud it kinda frightens me.

im also thinking about taking glocousimine to strengthen the legiments, anyone have any thoughts on that?

oh and im 19 years old (male)

my mom has told me that when i run up the stairs all thej popping in my ankles and knees is because im growing?

any thoughts on that?

im starting to think there is a coreleation between tucking my tail bone in (like in tai chi) with the popping of my ankles and knees up the stairs.

the 2 main concerns for me are the left knee pop when i bend it, and the right hip pop (because they dont do the same pop on each side, it makes me think i may have injured my self at some point in my life)

I have noticed one hip popped in triangle pose. In fact, mine it’s an internal hip snapping syndrome where one tendon is too tight in the hip. This may have been caused by my distorted sacro-iliac joint (pelvis). It is a common human problem. I think strengthening the pelvic floor muscles might help.

I am still researching this as I find (surprisingly) that not many medical specialist are aware of sacro-iliac joint displacement. I am checking with ostheopath for my spine and pelvic alignment

I think you are too young to take glucosamine being only 19? I took it and it only gave me indigestion.

thats so interesting you mention triangle pose

someone asked me recently “did you always pop, or did it start after you started yoga”

i remember my knees and ankles have always been popping as i run up stairs (i think im gonna start slowly walking up stairs now)

but the hip popping now that it hink about it did not pop until i started doing triangle pose

i remember my first reaction to my hip popping was a glad one because my hips hurt when i did butterfly pose, it felt lik ethey where about to pop but i couldnt quite get them to pop.

but then i started with triangle and thats what caused them to pop

now heres the thing, its only my right hip that pops and its a much more high pitched pop than the traingle pose pop which is a more low thud popping deep…this is a more towards infront of the groind area to the right side of the groind as opposed to that deep thudding pop (i hear some people making the same soundingpop when they do a real high kick slowly)

now when i do butterfly or lotus i find that my right hip is more flexible and has an easier time at it, especially after it does its pop that the other one cant do

i theorize that MAYBE doign triangle pose (i can touch the floor with my pop doign triangle pose on the right side much easier than the left side) caused my hip to loosen up enough to the point that it is capable of this new pop that it was never capabale of before…but im still not sure if this is a good pop (i think the low pitched thud is probably a good pop, a erlease of oxygen, whereas think this pop i speak of is a ligiment pullign across a bone which scares me cause i dont want it to break…and then be crippled where i stand…sit)

so those are my recent thoughts on this


ive been looking up this sacro-iliac joint syndrome and im a bit perplexed

aparently most pain would be in the butt and lower back area it says, where as mine is definietly int he front on the right thigh.

i found this test on one o fthe sites to diagonose if you have that syndrome

Gaenslen's Test - The examiner will have you will lay on a table with both legs brought up to the chest. You will then shift to the side of the table so that one buttock is over the edge. The unsupported leg drops over the edge and the supported leg is flexed. In this position, SI joint problems will cause pain because of stress to the joint.

i just tried it on my bed and i have no pain at all, it reminds me of pigeon pose which i have no problems with (infact i really love pigeon pose cause its helping me stretch out my hips for lotus/butterfly), but i never have any pain other than a good feeling stretch.


when i look at these pictures from the diagnosis websites im a little fightenened.

you see how theres like 4 red tendons connecting, my pop is RIGHT where that top tendon is.

heres another one, the pop (and there is a notciable soreness) is RIGTH where the blue line that says sacroilliac joint !

so it seems to me this is related in some way, even though i dont have the typical pain in the lower back that the sites suggest.

it seems as though i need to see an osteopath?

(or what kidna doctor should i see??....how about an acupuncurist...i beenw anting to see one of thsoe...)