States of Mind

The Alpha State of Mind

[I]Note: The information provided in this article is based on scientific facts and personal experience. The knowledge contained in this article is mostly gathered from the course I took called: ?Silva Mind Control.? There are a few parts in this article translated directly from the book that goes by that same name.[/I]

[U][B]What is the alpha state of mind?[/B][/U]

The alpha state of mind is the state of mind in which you are the moment just before you fall asleep. It is the state of mind in which you are when you just woke up, or when you are daydreaming. These are moments where you unconsciously reach the alpha state of mind. If you learn how to control it however, you will see some serious change in your everyday life. Your parapsychological abilities will increase much faster when you are getting more advanced with using the alpha-state of mind.

Experiments with paranormally developed people whom were plugged onto a device which measures your brainwaves, showed that while performing things like telepathy, remote sensing, other forms of ESP(Extra Sensory Perception) or things like telekinesis, showed that those people their brainwaves were somewhere in between 7-14 brainwaves per second, which indicates usage of the alpha state of mind.

[B][U]The four levels of the brains:[/U][/B]

In our very early childhood, we use only a very small part of our brains. The dominating frequencies are those of the theta, and delta state of mind. But as we grow older, we start to activate more brain areas. By the age of 7-14 years old, the alpha state of mind is the dominating one. This is the reason why children are often more sensitive for parapsychological or psychic phenomena. They often feel something coming. For example when the phone rings, children often feel who is calling them. Most of us already lost the ability to get consciously into the alpha frequencies at the age of fourteen. Whenever people of 14 years and older try to lower their brainwave activity to the alpha frequencies, they often fall asleep. From this moment on, approximately 14 years and older, the b?ta state of mind is the dominant one. I will now explain the four evolution levels of the brain:

[B]1. B?ta State of Mind (more than 14 brainwaves p/s):[/B]
This is our ?watching? consciousness, our guarding consciousness which we use to function in the physical world of time and space that we have all created in our inner consciousness first. All vibrating frequencies higher than 14 brainwaves p/s belong to the beta-waves. This is the state of mind in which we use our physical senses and in which we are conscious of time and space. This is the state in which most of us are 95 percent of the time that they are awake. At full awake consciousness, when you think logically, your brain sends approximately 20 impulses/waves per second.

[B]2. Alpha State of Mind(between 7 - 14 brainwaves p/s):[/B]
This is our inner consciousness, the mental-emotional dimension of our being. This is the state of mind in which time and space become irrelevant or rather none-existent to your consciousness. Because of that, among other things, we can establish a much better connection and use the spiritual dimension. When you?re night- or day dreaming you are also in the alpha state of mind. You are tuned in onto these lower frequencies. This is the level in which we can be aware of our own inner self/consciousness. You are becoming more aware of your thoughts and emotions when you are active on these alpha state frequencies.

In this state of mind, we are connected to the inner consciousness (subconscious) from all other people, and therefore we can (if one wishes) receive all possible information and influences. On the other hand, at this level, we can also influence the world around us: personal circumstances; the outcome of situations; other people (for example healing); objects (telekinesis) etc. But we must learn how to use our inner power, consciously.

In fact we are using these powers already all day long: with our thoughts, emotions and attitude, we create all circumstances and situations in our live. But this is all done unconsciously. What you can achieve by training yourself in the power of the mind and by for example using the alpha state of mind, is to create your own world consciously. Think about it. Your life will be in your own, conscious, hands. You decide the outcome of situations; you decide whether your wishes come true or not and to what degree. In fact, everything you see in reality would not exist if it was not first created on the mental level. Everything you see in the physical world (including time and space) was created in our inner mind. So that means you can also change it consciously. You just need to practise and probably go through a lot of mental processes, breaking old habits and mind-blocks on the way. As you progress, you will notice that you are getting more and more in control of your live and even other peoples lives and the world around you. The alpha state of mind can really help you to develop this kind of consciousness.

[B]3. Theta State of Mind(between 4 - 7 brainwaves p/s):[/B]
The theta level does not belong to the physical world. That is why in this dimension, we are not conscious of time and space. The theta state of mind is a dimension in which we can use our intuition ?subjective? senses like our third eye for example. These inner senses and powers, help us to make our desires manifest. This state of mind is also used for painless operations, because you feel no real pain when in this state. You?ve probably seen images of Indians lying on needles, or walking on glass or hot coals. They often use the theta state of mind when doing this. Not everything has to do with these states, belief and faith can have tremendous power over matter as well. Then one of these states does not necessarily have to be accessed.

[B]4. Delta State of Mind(between 0.5 - 4 brainwaves p/s/):[/B]
This is the part of our consciousness that falls outside the borders of the ?watching? consciousness.? You reach this state of mind when you are in the deep sleep. In the deep sleep you reach the lowest possible brainwave frequency (Unless you are dead or in a coma that is). It is said that you don?t have dreams when in this state of mind. It is also said that almost none of the people who get into the Delta state, remember anything about the time they were active at the delta state of mind, afterwards. That?s the reason why there is only little info about this state of mind available scientifically speaking. If you are interested in reaching this state of mind while remaining conscious, then there are certain forms of meditation that, with some practice, allows you to do so. Search on google for ?Yoga Nidra?. Yoga Nidra is incredibly effective for relaxing body and mind, and balancing your energies (Chakra?s and Nadi?s). This state is what one will be able to experience consciously when skilled in meditation.

[U][B]From a b?ta-state person, to an advanced alpha-state user:[/B][/U]

Everyone can learn how to nearly continues function on the alpha state of mind. During the day-time, we take a spontaneous trip to the alpha state approximately 30 times per minute. This is completely normal and it seems to be the case with every one of us. Although every time we take that little trip to the alpha state of mind, we only stay in that dimension for an extremely short time, it?s a matter of microseconds. Our mind can function for approximately 5 seconds per minute in total on the alpha state. In these very short moments, we can be sure that we take the right decisions; we then only make choices that help and contribute to the good of everyone. That?s why most people only make the right decisions 20% of the time. But you will see when you use the alpha state of mind more often; you will make the ?right? decisions more often among other qualities.

It?s not always easy to find a place where you can relax your body and mind enough to make yourself reach the alpha state of mind. But fortunately you can strongly enhance your skill of using the alpha state consciously. The more you use the alpha state of mind, the more advanced you will get. When you are getting more advanced, you can elongate the time you spend in the alpha-dimension, as you get more comfortable with it. When you get even more advanced, you can just summon the alpha-feeling and function on this level right away, and regardless of on what level your brain works at that moment. Your consciousness-level will then operate on a similar level as when you are at 10 brainwaves per second. In other words, on that moment, you function in the world of your mind as if you are in the alpha state of mind, while actually you are still in beta. This is the moment in which the mind starts to loosen, but yet improve its connection to the physical brain, giving you more freedom and more potential power to express.

(continues in next post)

[U][B]How to reach the alpha state of mind?:[/B][/U]

There are hundreds of ways to reach the alpha state of mind. If you type: <a href=“”>?Meditation?</a> in Google, you will get hundreds of different ways to reach the alpha state of mind. You can reach the alpha state by just focussing on your breath, on visualisations, on images, on sounds, on feelings, on emotions, on thoughts, on a candle flame, on an object, on a chakra, on your body? or you can move on to detaching yourself from the mind entirely as you purely <a href=“http:/”>witness the mind</a> and its processes. You may ask yourself when seeing an exercise on the internet: ?How do I know if it is a good method and if it works?? Well, that differs for each person. Some people will like a certain method better than others and will feel more comfortable with it. Follow your intuition. Does it feel good? yes? take it and practice. Does it feel bad or irrelevant? Leave it.

In the beginning you just need a simple, solid method that directs your consciousness into the deeper realms of the mind, but when you get good at it, you won?t need a method anymore to reach a deeper state of mind. The intention to relax body and mind alone will be enough. I will share a method here that I have always used when I started. It?s a very simple and effective method that effectively guides your mind into a deeper state. This method is called: ?Silva mind control.? It?s called after the man named: Jos? Silva.:

[U][B]You can reach the basic level (7 brainwaves p/s) with the three-to-one-method:[/B][/U]

Go sit somewhere comfortably straight up, you may also lie down, but in the beginning I advice you to do this while sitting.

Ok, so now you?re sitting comfortably in a chair or cross-legged or something and you take a deep breath. The best way to breath is by using the diaphragmatic muscle. For now just breath from the stomach, don?t breath through the chest at the beginning of your breath. After your belly seems ‘full’ you can allow the chest to widen as well. Close your eyes.

1: Now take another relaxed and deep breath and while you exhale, visualize the number ?3?, three times. (This first step relaxes the body)

2: Again, you take a deep but relaxed breath and as you exhale visualize the number ?2?, three times. (This second steps relaxes the emotional body)

3: Now again you take a deep breath, and while you exhale visualize the number ?1?, three times. (This third step relaxed the mind)

[U]You are now on the basic level of the alpha state of mind. [/U]

[I][ Extra: (It will probably be better to do this part as well when you are just starting out. This way you will sooner get the feeling of how it is to be in a deep relaxed state of body and mind.) You can now, if you wish, go to a deeper and more relaxed state, by counting from 1 to 10, and repeating every 2 seconds or so the phrase: ?Deeper and deeper.? Try to really feel your body go deeper with every second. Also try to keep up a relaxed and deep breath through your belly, not with your chest.][/I]

So you will probably think what to do when I am at this state of mind? Well there are so many things you can do while in the alpha state. There are so many methods for you to use to solve all kinds of problems, or to reach all kinds of goals. You can do whatever you want or feel like. You can do all sorts of things like: Focussing on increasing your energy; focussing on chakra?s; heal yourself or others; visualize the things you want to achieve and manifest; improve your memory; you can set an internal clock in your mind that will wake you up the next morning at the time you ask it to wake you up. In other words: pretty much everything you think of.

[U][B]To return to the beta state of mind:[/B][/U]

Some people might have fear in regard of experimenting with the new dimensions of the brain, but there is no danger to it. You can jump back to the beta-state at any time you like. You remain fully in control when you are going to the alpha-state of mind. You are doing the same when you are sleeping, you are lowering your brainwaves p/s. Did you ever [I]not[/I] wake up? Plus, when practicing it consiocusly, you are developing control and mastery over the mind. But to make your mind more comfertable with the idea, I will give you a simple guideline to guide yourself back to the beta-state of mind. It is not necessary though.

To return to the levels of outer-consciousness, you count from 1 to 5, and you say to yourself, that on the fifth count, you will open your eyes and that you will feel incredibly fit and healthy. You will feel very relaxed and focussed, better than before.

Now count slowly: 1 - 2 - 3 : at the third count you remind yourself of the fact that at the fifth count, you will open you eyes and feel very fit and healthy, relaxed and focussed and better than before.

Count on: 4 - 5. At the fifth count, you open your eyes, and you will say to yourself: I am fully awake, and I feel incredibly fit, healthy, and better than before, and that?s the way it is.

Note that the above is some basic info about the brain/mind. I do not believe the two to be the same, but they are tight and connected especially when active in the physical world. The physical brain reacts and reflects what happens in the mind but the brain is not the source for our mental activity. Without the brain, we would still have a mind. Without a mind, we would have never been born with a brain in the first place.

Note also that the above information is mostly focussed on the alpha state of mind because I am aiming at beginners. Feel free to take this journey as deep into the silence as you wish and <a href=“”>master your mind</a>. Delta is a wonderful and blissful state to be in too.

Love & Light,
Bentinho Massaro

I am new to yoga and find these details about alpha and beta state of mind very interesting. Thanks for sharing it.

Thanks for all the information you posted, Bentinho Massaro. Were do you get all this information? Do you know it off the top of your head?

The Alpha State of Mind
Hello ScottHughes,

Well as I said above this article:

Note: The information provided in this article is based on scientific facts and personal experience. The knowledge contained in this article is mostly gathered from the course I took called: “Silva Mind Control.” There are a few parts in this article translated directly from the book that goes by that same name.

All my other posts are coming entirely from the top of my head I guess.

What a state of mind!!:smiley:

World is just a (B?ta) state of mind.

I am the observer (Sakshi) of these four states.

I am beyond these four states.

Om Sakshine Namah

These are states of brain not mind…Brain is the central processing units…Mind is a much subtler conception…

Ok so yog Nidra!

I have been doing this little over 2 weeks for 30 minutes almost everyday by listening to a cd. It tell you to focus on each body part and then ask you to go deep in the space between your breasts?:confused: I am serious how do I get to that deep awake mind? I do feel relaxed after doing it but not sure if I am achieving the accurate state.

Any ideas will help a lot

[QUOTE=Reunion;19962]These are states of brain not mind…Brain is the central processing units…Mind is a much subtler conception…[/QUOTE]

Yes from the beta level they do appear as states of brain. We always consider the beta state to be the primary state even when there is no good reason for it. :slight_smile:

State of mind.:slight_smile:

Hi. Yoga Nidra means hovering between being asleep and awake, but sometimes you feel you are asleep - you dip in and out. Keep trying it for awhile, making a resolve each time, and let your experience teach you what works. A CD series I’ve found very helpful is James Jewell’s ( - also available on amazon). Peace.