
I have a question regarding Trikonasana. Once in the pose, are we trying to open the hips completely (like stacked as in Ardha Chandhrasana) or is that even anatomically possible?

Stacking the hips is anatomically impossible both in Ardha Chandrasana or Trikonasana. For that to be the case the pelvis must have 90 degrees of external rotation in the hip socket. Normal range of motion is 45-60. No one can do this; except for the Cirque du Soleil stars. I hear instruction such as this but when you look closely you will see that they are not doing what they are asking students to do.

    Trikonasana to the left is with the left hip in external rotation and the right hip in internal rotation.  Both hips are then encouraged to externally rotate to open the groin and "stack the hips".  But the upper iliac crest bone is forward of the lower one in all cases.  

        It is a case of avidya, ignorance of the truth.  Avidya is a primal cause of suffering.  We do not perceive the truth therefore we cannot tell the truth.  Therefore when trying to achieve something such as this it is normal to have knee or sacral injuries, especially if the teacher applies force to create this impossible motion.   namaste mukunda

A thousand and one appreciations for helping myself and others to “see” more clearly. My knees thank you and my sacrum thanks you too!

Indeed doing yoga should not strain the body causing more problems than are resolved. Let us mostly search for sattvic yoga rather than any other name brand. blessings. mukunda