Yoga and meditation


I was wondering if Hatha yoga works well with Zen (mindfulness) meditation.  Will it affect my meditation practice in any good or bad way?  Thank you


I find no impact to each other, both seem to complement healthy lifestyle in terms of living fully and seeing clearly.

Dear Jim,
Hatha yoga (asana) practice is one aspect of Yoga. The intention of which is to bring the body into a state from which practices such as pranayama (breath control) and dharana/dhyana (concentration and meditation) can be undertaken without distraction by physical discomforts. It is interesting to consider that Buddhism (Zen is a Japanese variety of Buddhist practice) grew out of the climate and culture of Yoga in India, and was integrated into Far Eastern cultures. In my experience, the perennial wisdom of the inner nature is translated into many languages, but is universally understood in the temple of the soul. May your meditations be benefitted by the care you give to your physical self.
