Yoga weekly schedule

Hey guys, can someone tell me is this schedule well balanced. I only worked Day1. so far for 2 months and I’m doing great.

Day1. - Stand and Balance poses

  • Tadasana
  • Trikonasana & Revolved Trikonasana
  • Parshvakonasana: Side Angle Stretch
  • Virabhadrasana: Warrior Pose 1
  • Virabhadrasana: Warrior Pose 2
  • Utkatasana: Lightning Bolt Pose & Other variation
  • Vrikshasana: Tree Pose
  • Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
  • Garudasana: Eagle pose
  • Plank Pose
  • Vashishthasana: Arm Balance pose

Day2. Back & Forward bends No1.

  • Bhujangasana: Cobra Pose
  • Mudhasana: Child?s Pose
  • Dhanurasana: Bow Pose
  • Uttanasana: Standing Head to Knees Pose
  • Half Bow
  • Parshvottanasana: Feet Apart Side Angle Pose
  • Rocking Bow
  • Janu Shirshasana: Sitting One Leg Pose

Day 3. - Spinal Twists

  • Maricyasana: Spinal Twist
  • Bound Knee Spinal Twist
  • Lying Down Spinal Twist
  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana: Bridge Pose (First Half Bridge)
  • Sarvangasana: Shoulderstand
  • Halasana: Plough Pose

Day4. - Sitting poses

  • Uttanatavasan: Leg Lifts and double leg lift
  • Dandasana: Staff Pose
  • Baddha Konasana: Butterfly Pose
  • Virasana: Be a Hero!
  • Gomukhasana: Holy Cow!

Day 5. - Back & Forward bends No2.

  • Urdhvamukha Shvanasana: Upward Facing Dog
  • Adho Mukha Shvanasana: Downward Facing Dog
  • Half Fish Pose
  • Ardha Baddha Padma Pashchimottanasana: Bound Half Lotus Pose
  • Ustrasana: Camel
  • Naukasana: Boat Pose & The half boat pose.
  • Cakrasana: Doin? Wheelies!
  • Kurmasana: Tortoise Pose

As for the Day6. I will repeat some other day to fulfill my 6. day yoga practite. Some hard poses like head stand, warrior3 and meditative poses I will do them much later.

And between each pose is tadasana and at the end of each daily practice is corpse pose.

If this works to balance YOU then it’s perfect. Just as diet should not be balanced but rather balancING, so too should your asana practice create balance in the human being who’s doing it.

A different question might garner a different answer :slight_smile:

Sorry I meant does this poses balance witch each other…like back bend with forward bend, extraction with contraction…

Well on the one hand I feel like my answer above already responds to this reformed question. It doesn’t matter as long as the sequencing balances the person doing it.

Then on the other hand it seems you’re looking for a different sort of answer. I, of all people, tend to give the needed answer rather than the wanted answer. And yet, here I am. Right in the middle of it.

On day 1 I see your focus is on standing poses and that is fine. I personally would place Utkatasana, Adho Mukha Dandasana, and Vasisthasana earlier in the practice. If the student has enough hip opening then Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana is fine though the sequence itself doesn’t seem to lend itself to hip opening but does mandate it.

On Day 2, the only time I do a forward bend/back bend alternation is when I’m doing Surya Namaskar or the Tibetan Rites. Additionally since most living is done in forward bends I tend not to emphasize that as part of my asana practice. I also avoid doing backbends before the spine has been warmed and there’s nothing preceding Bhujanga that indicates the spine has been warmed. That sequence appears quite yang in nature and I’m perplexed why Balasana is the second pose in the sequence. It seems antithetical to the sequence as a whole.

Feedback on Day 3 would be similar. Twisting before the spine is warm, I’d likely not do. Furthermore, twisting follows inversions (in my practice) as the inversions free up the invertebral muscles FOR twisting. So my question would be “why exactly is Sarvangasana and Halasana where they are?”.

Day 4 - I would place Dandasana between Baddha Konasana and Virasana. Now tell me why? :slight_smile:

Day 5 - It’s a somewhat intense practice with several advanced poses. So I wonder about the level of the student doing such a sequence.
