Dark Flower

Some people
dark energy.
I call them -
Dark flower

They are not aware,
they believe,
goals are accomplished.

If you follow,
or listen,
sooner or later,
your soul will be frightened.

Go for light,
search happiness,
follow your soul’s way.

There is
Good and Evil in this World.

Choose wisely,
do not trust easily.
Test everything.

Feel other’s energy,
ask questions,
wait for answers,
listen carefully.

Where is the right Path,
Path of Light and Wisdom?

There are Dots.
Dot here,dot there.
Many dots create the Path.

Lightness and Darkness are
Yin and Yang.

Dark Flowers have good dots.
Even very important.

Search for Essence.

There is Essence in everything.

Find the Essence,
and you will know the rest.