Arthritis question

I am new to teaching (3 months) and am still learning everyday- but the other day a lady came to me who is getting the beginnings of arthritis (inherited from her mother) I showed her the plough position and wanted to know if there are other asanas especially for relieving or helping to avoid arthritis (she feels it down her left leg and it starts in here lower back - usually starts up after walking for a while).

Main recommendation I have is to do joint freeing series regularly and find a way to connect to your breathing as you do it. Eventually you can send prana into the joint you are freeing and that will eliminate any pain.

One more- I work at a desk all day and started to get the beginnings of carpal tunnel syndrome- which I stopped in it’s tracks by doing asanas- like- holding downward dog and doing the wrist exercises from your Pavanmuktasana series regularly- now I am fine and exercise the wrist regularly and haven’t had any problems since- however, a girl at work has full blown tendentious and I was wondering what you would suggest- I would love to be able to help her-but I don’t want to suggest anything that may have worked for me in my early stages of what might of been-to her, who has a terrible
injury (she still works at a computer 8 hours a day, with a brace)

Thank you so much for being accessible!

The same is true for this situation also. Just do those areas affected gently but do the entire series. Doing only the part that hurts is not enough. You are working with entire body system not just symptom.