
Hello Mukunda. I wrote to you a couple weeks ago regarding my bowlegs. Thank you for your quick reply. I have been practicing the asanas you suggested in your book. I was wandering if you could let me know how long to hold each pose to see the quickest results. I live in South Florida and would also like to know if you can recommend a good teacher who could guide me. I would love to attend one of your workshops so please let me know if you will ever be in my area. Thank you and Namaste, E

A - Best is to hold them as long as possible. You want to be sure you are feeling the stretch in the outer legs (abductors) and toning in the inner thighs (adductors) otherwise they will not be effective asanas for this purpose. The only teacher I have trained in Florida is in Jacksonville; her name is Deja Gamig ( I will forward this to her so you can connect if you wish. At this point I will be only in Yogaville, VA (southwest corner) in Oct. To offer an ongoing professional training starting in the fall.

I do not how yoga could help to make legs bones to be straight. It is possible to change the the muscles shape but what about bones?
I try to find a doctor who correct my bowlegs. Do any one could tell about his or her experience in bowlegs correction?
I found some information about the Ilizarov and Ilizarov-Veklich apparatus. Do anyone have a treatment with it? Is it safe?
Please let me know

I also am bow legged. My instructor told me to focus on rotating my hips forward. When I bow my legs my pelvis is tilted. I have stood bow legged my whole life basically. Just recently dx’ed with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. Yoga has helped me greatly. If anyone can send me any info. on bow legs please do. I am new here and welcome any advice.

seeking quick results is not a good idea. it took me 2 years of sadhana 4-8 hours a day before my legs could withstand the challenge i gave them described in my book. There is no guideline on how long to hold the turn out poses - triangle and warrior II - only to say that you want to increase your stamina to as long as you can feel the outer hips - abductors getting stronger and the inner thighs - adductors releasing. There is no graduate as of yet in your area. but should be by fall. all graduates can be found on my website : : Welcome by location. I will be giving a workshop in S. Florida Oct. 17-19 again check my website for details and how to register. namaste mukunda