Conception and Pregnancy

Dear Mukunda,

I have a student who is trying to conceive and is concerned about continuing her yoga practice, as she has been unsuccessful for some time in her efforts to get pregnant. She has asked me for suggestions about specific poses that would be helpful or that may be counterproductive. I would appreciate your suggestions regarding poses that she should incorporate or avoid. She does Asana practice regularly and her practice is not very strenuous. She is in good health. She is about 30, has a healthy lifestyle (strict vegetarian) and her body weight is healthy also. She was not raised in western culture (grew up in India) and has been in the states for about 10 years. This is an emotional issue for her and her husband and I would like to be able to give them suggestions that can help ease her mind about her Asana practice. Thank you for your guidance. I look forward to attending one of your workshops one day! Namaste

Mostly I would recommend that she and her husband do practices together. This would include asanas done alone and also partner poses, meditation done alone and seated facing each other. They should pray to God to ask if its God’s will for them to have a child and also to ask the baby’s soul to come into their lives. The compatibility of both partners needs to be emphasized rather than a practice just for the woman. Practices conducive to bringing in a soul are those that are kapha in nature, nurturing, soft, yet strong and building in stamina, those that feel juicy to the immune system and to the heart’s juices also. They should avoid strongly challenging postures or those that are beyond natural range of motion. The practice would include breathing in and out together while doing practices. Also poses such as triangle, bridge, Shoulderstand mildly but held long, seated spinal twists, camel, child pose and fetal pose. The practice ideally will end with the Tantrik Asana yab-yum pose – woman seated in husbands lap with a loving embrace and looking fondly into each other’s heart through the eyeholes. This can be of benefit to all.

Comment on fertility from a reader - A note to Jennifer, whose student is trying to conceive. I heartily recommend the book “Luna Yoga: Vital Fertility and Sexuality” by Adelheid Ohlig. The author cured herself of cervical cancer through yoga, herbs, meditation and fertility dances. The book focuses on all types of menstrual and fertility issues, includes recipes for teas and suggestions for food, as well as sequences for postures that couples can do together. A real gem. I’m sure that Jennifer, her student and that student’s husband could benefit greatly.

Thanks for remembering that book I also found it quite excellent for women to read. There is a lot to offer there. Also that it is edited and published by Susan Weed who gives many helpful suggestions from her Wise Woman Herbal wisdom, makes it invaluable.