
A very dedicated yoga student, male, 40’s, overweight, always gets terrible headaches while doing Bhujangasana, Salabhasana and Dhanurasana - the headaches become severe so quickly that he has to stop and rest, holding his head in pain. The headaches last for quite some time after he stops doing these poses. I’ve suggested that he extend the cervical spine, keeping it as long and neutral as possible (rather than stretching the head up & back), and that he back off to 50% of effort, but his headaches persist. Any explanations for why the extensions cause him such pain (are these brahmana poses too stimulating? are they elevating his blood pressure / intracranial pressure?), and any suggestions for alleviating his discomfort, would be very much appreciated. Thank you.

Blessings, H

DOES HE HAVE ELEVATED BLOOD PRESSURE? Taking any medications? Is his pitta elevated? Do you think he could be living a toxic lifestyle, diet? I would also highly recommend this student check in with his doctor as there may be something more seriously happening to him. All these can contribute to poor circulation next level of training for you is to be able to read pulses for analysis. If you want a jump on this order Dr. John Douillard’s pulse course, $75 for 6 cassettes and booklet – 303-442-1164 he is in Boulder, CO. and is my teacher of this method. He is author of Body, Mind and Sport also The 3 Season Diet both on Ayurveda.