Instability around SI joint

Dear Mukunda,

I saw you last June in London where you advised me on my unstable disks and highlighted a sacrum dysfunction. I have been following your advice and asana modifications since then and have found I have been able to move and bend with more stability and have less bouts of pain. I have not been attending classes but have been practising at home but recently I felt confident enough to attend class with a great teacher who helped me in all aspects of my practise - mindful of my needs etc. The practise was much more energetic than I have done for a while but I loved it had no pain and I started to reintroduce asanas in to my daily practise (sun salutations notably) However I now seem to have as much pain as I had before ( therefore I have stopped of course) but this time more around the right SI joint. When I go to bend I feel I will just collapse in a heap! If I stand in Tadasana and contract my inner thighs something around the Si joint clicks in or out of place ( it feels too deep to identify) and I have some sort of relief. JFS done very mindfully helps somewhat. The Sacrum Stabilizing Excercises has always felt uncomfortable on that side even with props - My left hip is lower than my right and is tighter when opening so I assume that this is the root of the imbalance but I would like to know if there is anything else I can focus on to try and stabilize this area and bring Vata home. I feel angry with myself and depressed and I dont know how to deal with this as well. Perhaps this is the area I really need to focus on before anything but I dont know where to start as when I try to meditate I just sob!

Hi, This is Mangala, one of Mukunda’s senior students. It sounds like you really over did it! You are correct to go back to the JFS and SI Stabilizer. I am concerned that you still find this uncomfortable on one side. Can you elevate the hip more during this movement? The SI movements can even be done in a chair.

Do you want to hear my story about the body? Herer is the abbreviated version. I have 2 bulging discs. I had to accept that there are some movements that aggravate this and I very rarely do a class unless it is with Mukunda because I have reprecussions. I know know my limits and what my body can and can’t safely do. It took years to learn this!

You could call Mukunda to set up a phone consult. He is out of town right now.

Namaste, Mangala