Value of Tantirk practice

Hi Mukunda
I hope you are well. I wanted to let you know that our session together was very helpful to me, and timely as well. The relationship is progressing and I am feeling safe with my new “potential” partner. I am feeling myself open naturally in intimacy. I have been able to let go of the “rules” I had predetermined for my sex/love life (except for those regarding my safety). I am feeling the Presence of peace, joy and happiness when I am with him. The way I can best describe it is that I am fully IN it. All of me is there and showing up. And I am trying to stay aware of what energetic exchanges feel sattvic and which do not. My 3rd chakra energy also feels particularly strong with him- this is a very new experience for me in the presence of a partner.

       I do have some fears about the relationship ending before I want it to. But for the most part I have been able to stay present.

A - good foryou.

      Q 2 - It is absolutely amazing what the past year of celibacy (in conjunction with studying the Tantrik lessons) has done for me. My relationship to my own heart/the Great heart has become so fertile. And now that I have experienced that True unchanging vast love inside, I feel less needy of it on the outside. The love of the Guru is so expansive that, when I am in the Presence, it feels like that, in itself, is enough. 

A 2 - that sadhana can help you find true love where it naturally resides instead of love support and relationship.  Baba was asked what is the purpose of relationship he said ' to burn your karma'.  my interpretation that means to help you find how to be sattvic in all relations.  

   Q 3 - Thank you for all of your support and guidance through this journey. Studying and practicing the Tantrik lessons have totally changed me and the way that I relate to my energy. What a gift you have shared with me. With all of us. I will continue to stay in touch regarding the various aspects of my sadhana. This last weekend in NYC was really magical. Thanks for everything. With great respect and love,

A 3 - good that is fine.  remember i am here for you when needed.  phone consults ok too blessings.  m