Chirstians and yoga

I heard all the time about my Christian friends choosing not to practice yoga. What do you think? Can a Christian practice yoga or does reaching “enlightenment” contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ?

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[QUOTE=yogibear23;84051]I heard all the time about my Christian friends choosing not to practice yoga. What do you think? Can a Christian practice yoga or does reaching “enlightenment” contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ?[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately, many christians nowdays are so far away from what Christ has been preaching…

There is no obvious contradiction between christ teaching and Patanjali’s yoga sutras…but huge difference between Hinduism and Christianity:)

Anyways, they think that yoga is a hinduism and mantras are prayers to hindu gods. As well as some poses and sequencing (like sun salutation) represent various hindu gods and worshiping…

I’m an orthodox christian and I do yoga for my hole life. I know about yoga philosophy and hinduism, but this doesnot make me hindu, and never will be hindu no matter how much yoga I do and how much sunskrit I study.

just wrote a long article on that idea. Yoga can be done without the spirituality side of the religious history behind it.

Jesus was not a Christian, Buddha was not a Buddhist, Muhammad was not a Muslim; they were simply men who came to a certain understanding of true inner nature.

If ones religions is so easily threatened by yoga then their dedication and/or belief on their chosen religion was not all that solid in the first place. At least that is my opinion, take it for what it is worth

I have an ohm tattoo high on my chest. It’s part of a wonderful heart chakra, clouds, red and blue lotus. A full expression for me. I get many puzzled looks. But when typical Christians see this, I get negative responses along the lines of it’s satanic.

It’s funny, because I have an extensive background in Christianity. For me, yoga has only highly improved my relationship to that god and my own divinity. I now see all people as one being my human brothers and sisters. Isn’t everyone really all in this life experience on this planet at this time? These walls have all been broken down for me. I see the joy of life and giving in all peoples.

I think that a lot of Christians would benefit from a deeper practice of their own religion. Most all of the authentic Christian texts that weren’t placed in the current bible align perfectly with yoga (a huge heated debate among most Christian theologians). Even requires one to look within. Even in the new testament of the current bible, Jesus states that the kingdom of God is within you. My mystic Christian friends are very enjoyable to talk to about my spiritual journey.

My take is that division based on misunderstanding and fear brings about typical emotional controlling responses that are authoritative and judgmental.

The reality for most Christians is that the person sitting next to them in their own church most likely has different beliefs than they do based on their own relationship to god and where they’re at in life.

I can not live without yoga. The suffering is too great. Emotionally, I am an empath. I will always do my best to live in oneness and harmony with everyone I meet, because I feel such a strong connection. I hope that as time goes on, more people on this earth will start to see life this same way.

[QUOTE=yogibear23;84051]I heard all the time about my Christian friends choosing not to practice yoga. What do you think? Can a Christian practice yoga or does reaching “enlightenment” contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ?[/QUOTE]

Yes Yōga contradicts Christianity. Christianity is all about Salvation, while Yōga is about Mōksha (Liberation. Liberation is not the same as Salvation from Original Sin).

i have been practicing yoga and Buddhism for many years, 15 and 5 respectively, and now Im practicing Orthodox Christianity for for years. While orthodoxy sees yoga practice as a sin, it is quite interesting how yoga helps to work with roots and causes of the sin, and it is interesting to watch similar practices all religions and philosophical systems do share. And orthodox and yoga are both very ascetic, thought Love and Salvation is the main doctrine of Christianity, methods they use are very much the same;) and the results are very much the same ( for those who really practice)