Who eats fish?

I was reading “Ecoholic” by Adria Vasil, and she mentions 3 websites that talk about fish - what’s sustainable, eco, and high in mercury or PCB’s. I thought I’d post them up for the fish eaters that try to focus on eco/ethical eating. :slight_smile:




thanks, I’m a pescatarian for now, I’ve been that or vegatarian for about 15 years.

I also like tuna… to increase its taste, its good to have it either in a sandwich or I have tried to add some indian spices to make to make it more tempting to eat…

Its good for eye vision…

Love it…!!

Personally i wouldn’t like to be pierced in my jaw and dragged into the sea or a lake or a pond and then choke to death while my organs writhe due to pressure change and finally be eaten by glutton and selfish creatures…

So I don’t eat fish.

Used to eat everything that a Human eats. Why not? I was a cat on a wall. Life & Death. Bike accident. Not boozed. blah … blah … blah … Today I’m a vegetarian, not for the FEAR of D. but have become fearless and can understand the good, bad and ugly difference in me, my perception to lift up and mingle once in a black moon.

I don’t eat fish.

eating the dead will give ghosts

Looks like I’m pretty ‘ECO-BEST’ lol. I love fish and mostly eat canned salmon and yellowfin tuna. I do love King Prawns though… :S

Thanks for the post!

I think I’d die without fish. .-.

I catch it…kill it and eat it…fish from the store is not good

I once saw a little blackbird walk through a pool of water at low tide and pluck out a minnow. A tasty treat for a little bird that usually only eats bugs and seeds and worms. Birds, bears, other fish all eat fish. Maybe I misunderstood the question.

who live near the sea mostly they eat the fish :slight_smile:

It was a fine sunny day. A little fish was swimming around in the sea. Splish splosh splish splosh, he felt full of life, full of energy. He was a happy little fish going about his business. Suddenly, he felt a sharp stab in his little mouth, a big ol hook had him, the little fish was writhing in agony trying to free himself of this suffering. He kept on thrashing about as he was thrown into a tub with other little fish, who were suffering too. “Oh no” thought the little fish, “my life is over, I am slowly dying”. The little fish eventually died and was eaten later that day with a nice salad and a glass of wine.

Please don’t eat fish or any creature if you have alternatives. Please. They have a life like you. You wouldn’t want me to end your life so I could eat you now would you?

Its nothing but a Symbiosis and evolution.
I, u & us.

[QUOTE=kareng;73717]Please don’t eat fish or any creature if you have alternatives. Please. They have a life like you. You wouldn’t want me to end your life so I could eat you now would you?[/QUOTE]

A plant also has a life. You wouldn’t wanna be pulled out of the earth, washed in a sink and thrown into a bowl together with some dressing either…?
And I’m not sure if you can replace a lion’s antilope with a lettuce.

I try to avoid farmed fish, which are fed GMO soy and maize. And the Salmon for example which is also fed chemicals to give them color. :confused: (I think the meat would be green without).

But wild mackerel and cod from the North Sea, mmmm!

I like to swim in the great beautiful ocean ,if I eat a fish I fear he may eat me .

I like to eat fish daily. I am a great lover of fish. Fish contains fiber and iron that are useful elements for our body. Fish provides us energy so everyone should eat fish.

[QUOTE=Andelson;78805]I like to eat fish daily. I am a great lover of fish. Fish contains fiber and iron that are useful elements for our body. Fish provides us energy so everyone should eat fish.[/QUOTE]
Boot Camp Sydney

I love to eat fish, especially tune which is rich in omega 3, good for the heart. Fish fillet is one of my favorite dish.

[QUOTE=ralpdempsey;79468]I love to eat fish, especially tune which is rich in omega 3, good for the heart. Fish fillet is one of my favorite dish.[/QUOTE]

But can be very high in mercury
I will stick with flax seed oil