Fat Yogis

Doing asanas makes me not want to stuff myself with food anymore. So in that way it certainly helps losing weight :wink: (and it actually already did since the last two weeks I picked up yoga again)

[QUOTE=TonyTamer;43279]Nobody , you obviously know your beans about nutrition. Those are very good recommendations ; however saying that yoga doesn’t help to lose weight is incorrect. It takes longer usually ( works from the inside out, also making digestive organs work better ) and should be done in conjunction with what you say anyway. See what I say above. Yoga regulates , and when necessary speeds up metabolism , burning calories more efficiently. Inversions, keep gravity from letting pliable inner organs sag, can be done on downward dog level etc. until you get to headstands. Shoulderstands are very helpful in losing weight. Plus, stretching muscles and circulating blood in them slim slowly and keeps nervous and bad eating habits down. You’re program is really good but yoga is larger than you and I know. Namaste.[/QUOTE]
Thank you and I stand corrected.
As far as ‘burning kilojoules through exercise’ is concerned, Yoga does not do that much, but you are right, it regulates metabolism and helps burning up kilojoules in that way.

City Monk…you have endearing written ways xx

Nobody run is not yoga but after few miles you will sweet real good and once you become skinny postures are more easy.Just keep the eating moderate to.

As stated by others, yogi’s come in all sizes and shapes. This includes students and teachers. Yoga can and does help one lose weight for a few reasons. One, it puts you in touch with your body and you become much more mindful what you do to it. Secondly, if you do Ashtanga or Power Yoga several times per week (preferably every day) you will burn calories. But in in conjunction with a regular yoga practice, diet is equally important. One pitfall many fall into is the mindset that because you have exercised you can eat a bit more. A bit more leads to a bit more. Well, you get the picture.

It is better to just think of yourself as a yogi and not attach a label such as fat to it. When you do, that is who you think you are and that is what you become. Look in the mirror and see a yogi. See that. Nothing else.

A wise piece of advice I think x

look in the mirror and see that a fat yogis body nothing else.lol

Loafer - Yoga is not about slimming down but is for a healthy body. It seems to me that you have a healthy body.

It is sad that in last last few years the media and fashion industry has created a notion that “Slim is Healthy”. Its not the case at all. Any body type can be healthy. Its all th echemicals and wrong food we eat makes us unhealthy. But Yoga and other such activities can help to regain the health.

Many yogis I have seen are not slim. Infact when you do yoga and go to meditation, there is so much energy release that you need a lot of fat in your body to absorb/handle the extra energy. So I would not feel bad about fat…


The op’s post is odd coming from a teacher

Yoga is about the message, not the package it somes in.

Fat Hatha Yoga teacher shows lack of discipline or commitment