Meditation For Individual And Social Transformation

I’m sorry but I really don’t want to open up that can of worms.

Amir, I think I will just be straight forward. I don’t think you are enlightened or awakened, rather I think you want to believe you are and you try to pretend to be that role. What I do think is that you have reached a certain level of experience which is probably ahead of myself and many other people, but you have been rash to jump to the role of a spiritual teacher. I think your’re underqualified for the role and need to work at it more. Secondly, I think you have set up major obstacles intellectually and emotionally for yourself by coming to conclusions that you are awakened and know your entire being or most of it, that Patanjali siddhis are symbolic or fabricated just because you have not experienced them, and there is no law of right and wrong in the world. You are like the person who declares they have got to their destination before even completing half of the journey.

Good luck in your sadhana.

I should firstly congratulate Amir for showing resistance against Asuri’s and Surya’s blitzkrieg style criticisms :rolleyes:

Well, Amir, I can see that you have a certain amount of spiritual accumulation. Yet, in my opinion, it is better if you go out and share the insights you have with other people… internet forums is not an ideal place for preaching; definitiely not a pertinent place for claiming mastership over certain phenomenons.

Old style shall always prevail: go out and get ‘direct’ contact with people who could benefit from your ideas… i encourage you to do so…

If, in thirty years, you have gained a following without wearing rolexes, driving in Bentleys, living in Beverly Hills, and sleeping with vulnerable girls and boys, I may take you a bit more seriously. Right now you look like Liev Shreiber’s little brother, and I am much too base to look past that.


“I don’t think you are enlightened or awakened, rather I think you want to believe you are and you try to pretend to be that role.”

Whether I am or not, it is irrelevant as far as your own being is concerned.

“that Patanjali siddhis are symbolic or fabricated just because you have not experienced them”

That is not what I have said. I have said that some of them are literal, others symbolic, and others have simply been invented. You may accept it or reject it, but try as one may - it does not matter how much infinite sadhana one does, the physical body cannot walk through walls or fly in the sky. And there has never been a single human being who has been capable of such a thing.

“and there is no law of right and wrong in the world”

There is not, morality is as relative as relativity can be. But there is something else which is far more fundamental which has nothing to do with morality, but of certain qualities which become awakened once one is in communion with one’s true nature.

High Wolf, : )

“definitiely not a pertinent place for claiming mastership over certain phenomenons.”

I have not been claiming “mastership” over anything, I am simply sharing my own understanding. My interest is not in speaking of myself, but of assisting others towards their liberation. Rather than speaking of these subjects, I would much rather speak of meditation.

“Old style shall always prevail: go out and get ‘direct’ contact with people who could benefit from your ideas… i encourage you to do so…”

I have. And I am also using every means possible.


“If, in thirty years, you have gained a following without wearing rolexes, driving in Bentleys, living in Beverly Hills”

Wearing a rolex watch, or driving a Bentely, or living in Beverly Hills has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with one’s enlightenment - that is not the critereon. Nor does it mean that you have to become an ascetic beggar in rags, or live in a cave rather than in the middle of a city. You can live like a beggar and remain in a deep unconsciousness, and live like an emperor but out of tremendous awareness. If you need to live like a beggar in order to come to one’s liberation, then it is not liberation at all, one’s freedom is very fragile.

Awakening simply means one who has come to a direct experience of one’s true nature, and the transformation that arises from direct experience. Once you are living in communion with one’s true nature from moment to moment, then wherever you are, whatever you do, it makes no difference- there is a contentment which surpasses understanding. The water cannot wet it, the fire cannot burn it, and even if a thousand and one defilements come your way, they do not leave even a single mark upon your being.

“Right now you look like Liev Shreiber’s little brother, and I am much too base to look past that.”

That is fine, but if you were functioning out of your own intelligence, you would be looking at what I am saying without either attraction or aversion.

AmirM - I know you are, like, super enlightened and all that, and I’m, like, really really in the dark, but as a former television producer, lowly as that may be, I just want to say that, like, if you point a camera on your divine self you should, like, take some lessons.

As another enlightened Canadian once said, “The medium IS the message”.

That is all.


“I know you are, like, super enlightened and all that”

No, I am not. I am as ordinary as the grass growing in the field.

“and I’m, like, really really in the dark”

That is your own responsibility to find out what your present condition is.

“but as a former television producer, lowly as that may be”

Your sacrcasm is itself an effort to put oneself on a pedestal of superiority.

“I just want to say that, like, if you point a camera on your divine self you should, like, take some lessons.”

That would be useful.


The Content sucks.

The Presentation stinks.

The on screen character is a well read parrot, and the very definition of ‘pretentious.’

no stars


: )

Originally Posted by LotusGirl
You say he is one of the worst offenders, how so?

Answered by Asuri:
I’m sorry but I really don’t want to open up that can of worms.

Then why make the statement Asuri?


Just giving you the courtesy of a reply.


It is like staring into the sun to prevent blindness. Desiring not to be drowned, one leaps into the water.


It is not really the case.

Whether I am or not, it is irrelevant as far as your own being is concerned.

No, it is relevant to me, because truth matters to me. If somebody goes around making false claims, it does affect me. I am honest person, and dishonesty really riles me up. Some may ask how does it affect me, whether you want to believe you are enlightened or not, to them I say it does affect me, because it goes against dharma. When we live in society full of imposters, liers and deluded people, dharma is destroyed in society. When we live in a society of honest and objective people, dharma is established.

That is not what I have said. I have said that some of them are literal, others symbolic, and others have simply been invented. You may accept it or reject it, but try as one may - it does not matter how much infinite sadhana one does, the physical body cannot walk through walls or fly in the sky. And there has never been a single human being who has been capable of such a thing.

And this is where you really shoot yourself in the foot. You are negating the personal experiences of actually established masters throughout our times and denying their words, like Patanjali, Ramakrishna, Yogananda, who have openly reported and talked about these siddhis. This is fine though, you have a right to say, “I do not believe” but no, instead what you say is make a declarative statement, “Some of them are literal, some are symbolic and some are fabricated” as if you are even above they are, and they are just deluded fools, who you have surpassed because you reached a greater level of enlightenment. This is what makes your entire attitude sickening.

You constantly write with this tone, “I am enlightened and awakened” and you exude a superiorty complex, where somehow you have surpassed everybody else, including established masters past and present, and you know everything and are in a position to teach people. But from what I can gather thus far from correspodence with you, you have hopelessly deluded yourself and have developed a messiah complex. You in need of a real master to check your ego.

This is why I have always said that having a guru is essential on the spiritual path, because if you don’t have a guru, you have nothing to keep your ego in check and to test it. Fire can’t put itself out - the mind can’t extinguish itself.
You are a classic case of the kind of the delusions of granduer that form when there is no master to guide you.

The biggest indicator that you are delusional, that despite the criticism from so many people, you have refused to listen to any of it, and rather have accused your critics of projecting.

There is not, morality is as relative as relativity can be. But there is something else which is far more fundamental which has nothing to do with morality, but of certain qualities which become awakened once one is in communion with one’s true nature.

Of course it is not relative, because every action has a reaction and not all actions are the same and not all reactions are the same. Stealing a sweet in a shop and robbing a bank are different actions, and thus produce different reactions. This law of action and reaction is axiomatic in nature, and therefore there is a universal law of right and wrong.

Human behaviour is an action, and every action is caused by something. In this case the cause is psychological(the law of karma is psychological in nature) For somebody to rob a bank they would have to have a particular kind of psychology to do such a thing, because not everybody would rob a bank. If you know the psychology of somebody you can predict, with some level of accuracy, their behaviour in a given environment.

By the way stop with your parables. They are annoying and condescending. I have heard many of them already.


" truth matters to me."

Perhaps. It is my own understanding that man is far more interested in comfort and security rather than coming to the Truth. Even amongst many of those who are interested in Truth, for most it is for the same reason - the desire for comfort and security. Yet even this can be useful in the beginning. But to truly come across an authentic disciple is as rare as coming across an authentic master, it is like finding a pearl in the desert.

“You are negating the personal experiences of actually established masters throughout our times and denying their words, like Patanjali, Ramakrishna, Yogananda, who have openly reported and talked about these siddhis.”

You are negating that a master is not in the least bit interested in speaking of the Truth, but in using any skillful means whatsoever which can assist you towards your liberation. If you want, you can also start declaring that you have personally experienced those kinds of siddhis which are beyond nature, it would be a great marketing strategy to gather more disciples who are suffering from a certain lust for power.

In assisting others towards their liberation, even if it requires lying, then that is fine. Yogananda himself has lied several times to his disciples, for their sake and it may be said, for his own. He has told his disciples that after his death, there would be no guru to replace him because that was not what God had wanted. And that is nonsense, there is no “God” which has been created in man’s image which is egoistic enough to care for human affairs. But it was a useful strategy to try and preserve his teachings. The same thing has happened with the Buddhists - they have been declaring the arrival of Maitreya Buddha, a future Buddha which is to liberate humanity from suffering, not different than the second coming of Jesus. These are all different techniques to help preserve the tradition. And in this way, many masters have used several useful strategies for various different purposes, whether they are true or not is irrelevant.

"but no, instead what you say is make a declarative statement, “Some of them are literal, some are symbolic and some are fabricated”

You may accept it or not accept it, but to me the matter is as clear as day-light. Somewhere in your mind, one may be clinging strongly to the idea of siddhis which transcend nature, because it provides some amount of comfort and consolation, one may be trying to use it as a seal of approval for one’s own beliefs. Otherwise, things as they are, in all their ordinariness, seems to be so dry and stale - that one needs a dream, a substitute for the reality.

Every dimension of one’s being has a set of laws which it must abide by. The physical body is bound by physical laws, there is no way for the body to transcend the physical. That is why there is no way to escape physical death. There are many siddhis which are possible, but none of them transcend nature. But even without transcending nature, just with ordinary things, any desire or belief without clarity is tremendously dangerous.

Once, when man first became interested in the idea of flight, he went to the top of a mountain and attached wings to himself with a great hope that he is going to soar high into the sky like a bird. But he fell down to his death.

“where somehow you have surpassed everybody else, including established masters past and present”

I have never said I have surpassed anybody. But I do understand the masters both past and present quite well. And it is not because I have any knowledge of them.

“The biggest indicator that you are delusional, that despite the criticism from so many people, you have refused to listen to any of it”

Perhaps it is delusion, or the season has arrived in such a way that it has not left me hungry since.

“But from what I can gather thus far from correspodence with you, you have hopelessly deluded yourself and have developed a messiah complex. You in need of a real master to check your ego.”

Unless you yourself have come to your Buddhahood, it will be impossible for you to even recognize another who has also come to one’s Buddhahood. And to assume that one is capable of recognizing him when one has not yet done the necessary work that is needed in itself reflects that one should seek the help of a master. And when one has already developed all kinds of assumptions and speculations, which are entirely one’s own projections, as to how a “master” should be - then you are simply chasing after your own image. But rather than seek the help of a master, it may be far more useful for you to plunge into your sadhana with more one-pointedness and intensity rather than wasting much valuable time.

“have developed a messiah complex”

I am simply an ordinary human being. And when an ordinary human being comes to his awakening, it does not somehow transport him to some kind of beyond ordinary status. One still has to eat food through one’s mouth and hear through one’s ears.

“By the way stop with your parables.”


“They are annoying and condescending.”

Then you should be grateful for having an opportunity to be mindful. There is a beautiful parable about this, but I think you can understand the point without it.

“I have heard many of them already”

Then do not read them.


You have stunted your spiritual growth in this life with the delusions you have developed.

I would like to use you as an example to all other readers for why it is very important to have a real guru to guide your spiritual growth, or you could end up like Amir.

I have never said I have surpassed anybody. But I do understand the masters both past and present quite well. And it is not because I have any knowledge of them.

So how do you understand them if you don’t have knowledge of them? Oh wait, I understand, it is because you are enlightened and awakened, so now you don’t need to read about any about master, because you already know it all :wink:

In assisting others towards their liberation, even if it requires lying, then that is fine. Yogananda himself has lied several times to his disciples, for their sake and it may be said, for his own. He has told his disciples that after his death, there would be no guru to replace him because that was not what God had wanted. And that is nonsense, there is no “God” which has been created in man’s image which is egoistic enough to care for human affairs.

Can you give an actual example of a lie Yogananda told, rather than what your enlightened and awakened self has decided is a lie :wink: Yogananda’s classic autobiography is full of stories of siddhis he personally encountered and experieced himself - are you claiming his entire life story is a lie?

Here is another reasoning why your attitude is so stinking. Not only do you claim to be the awakened and enlightened one, who knows his Buddha nature, you call other well established and highly respected spiritual maters liars.

Trust me with an attitude like that, you ain’t getting anywhere in your spiritual growth.

Every dimension of one’s being has a set of laws which it must abide by. The physical body is bound by physical laws, there is no way for the body to transcend the physical. That is why there is no way to escape physical death. There are many siddhis which are possible, but none of them transcend nature. But even without transcending nature, just with ordinary things, any desire or belief without clarity is tremendously dangerous.

You talk about beliefs that comfort us that we cling onto, and here you are clinging onto a belief in a physical world with physical laws. Didn’t anybody tell you the latest news? There is no such thing as a physical world.

You are just as guilty of forming beliefs and clinging onto them as you accuse others of, but it is OK for you to do that because you are awakened and enlightened, but others not so.

Everything you have said in your videos so far is regurgitated from other teachers from past and present, who you claim to not have read. You are clearly an imposter.