Cultivating or releasing

Also SD,

Is that trataka , and do you start off with outer trataka and then move to inner tratak or antar trataka, i think it is called? I noticed there was a chapter in one of those Bihar books that covered this,‘Meditations from the Tantras’.

It goes like, i think focus on an abject. Then after a while you picture the same within your mind’s eye.Also there is nose-tip gazing,gazing at candles, at the bridge, even at the navel- in fact in ashtanga vinyas they call them drishtis.The eyes are a balancer so they say and connect with manipuraka chakra.

Also They say pure awarness is formless.

Feel free to start a new thread on yogic gazing techniques or such like as these do interest me and are often a staple in kundalini yoga( you just need to check out yogi bhajan’s kriyas and meditations for instance for which there is a web address) and others such as somatics based therapies. It proves to the sceptics out there that the brains play a large role in our health amongst other things. I think you’d need a new thread though.Or i could start one, i guess.

They say the eyes connect to the back end of the third-eye and what neurocsience labels the occiptal region above and behind the brain stem etc where you brain bulges at the back, and below bindu.

[quote=Tangle;33730]A bit OT, but still:

Wow. This sounds like an interesting thing to try. How do I do it properly? Do I just focus on an object, or is there more to it?[/quote]

Hi Tangle

My advice is if you try trataka and if strain comes up to stop your gaze and then wait till the eyes relax.

So let’s say you go cross eyed.I believe you want to find the point of convergence. And there are measures that, i believe, are taken to ensure this.Ideally the candle say or point will be at eye-level too.

I’m sure others may provide more tips in this area.It is a subject that has interested me alot lately.Especially given if some of these measures say are not strictly observed then than cannot necessarily be a good thing.

As part of an over-all balanced and complete sadhana they are practiced.

Yes. Curious things happen during gazing. Start the thread. I’ll share some things.

I find it stimulating too, but had not time to continue this, therefore the delay.

Namaste and welcome back.

If you yourself don’t mind, I would prefer if you’d do just that, respond to each quote piecemeal, as I feel that many of my arguments and responses to your arguments are being ignored, like I never mentioned them.

Fair enough. I would like to request you though to not break up my sentences when you quote me and to quote enough of the paragraph so the whole point is being addressed. Otherwise, it seems you are taking things I say out of context and not addressing the whole point. It also creates too many fragments and makes it a bit messy.

However, if the nature of existence is a fundamental consciousness, that fundamental consciousness is a) not ours in the same way our obvious consciousness is and b) creating some sort of realm that you and me and the cup and the elephant share. That realm has common laws and within it, the cup would indeed be pure consciousness, but it is pure consciousness with characteristics, that let you and me perceive it as a cup.

Also, while we have some power over our thoughts and imagination, we do not have the same power over that fundamental consciousness. We can, particularly when we close our eyes, morph the cup into a pink elephant doing a moonwalk. But the actual cup standing on our desk will refuse to obey our commands.

Yes, but this does not mean it is real anymore. Realism hinges on the definition that there are external things out there completely independent of us. If everything is made out of pure consciousness this by definition is known as idealism.

Although we have an ordinary consciousness we have the capacity to expand our consciousness towards pure consciousness. Then we have the same powers of that fundamental consciousness. At that level we can morph, play, and do whatever we like with the object.

Patanjali dedicates an entire chapter in the Yogasutras in Siddhis that come when our consciousness becomes pure. Nothing is impossible then, flying, become invisible, teleporting, changing size, controlling the elements, going forwards and backwards in time are abilities Patanjali describes at the higher stages of meditation.

There are several discourses on the Siddhis that are developed in Yoga and several studies in modern science clearly showing matter does respond to mind, but only people with certain kinds of cultivated mind. Some abilities where we can use mind are proven beyond a reason of doubt such as regulating body temperature and controlling otherwise involutary bodily processes that yogis can do.

Why? How did you come to be one? Personal experience? Do you like the idea? Did books convince you? Or a person?

Logic has fully convinced me. I have worked it all out from the start to finish and logic shows that idealism is the only explanation that explains the facts of the world.

We have such reason, I just mentioned it: We are capable of imagination and memory. Not only can we remember an elephant once we have seen it, but we can also imagine the elephant doing all sorts of things. It is very simple for us to visualize an elephant doing a backflip. And we can even create new beings and objects. And ideas. I can imagine that I can fly. Across the whole universe. But can I really do it? Here and now? Take off? Nopy.

What is within the realm of possibility is based on how much we know about the world. It was considered impossible that heaiver than air objects could fly. The Wright Brothers proved this wrong. It was considered impossible that can object travel faster than the speed of sound. This was proven wrong. Recently, it was considered impossible that anything could go faster than the speed of light or that a vacuum could produce any energy, this was proven wrong by quantum mechanics.

Human flying, teleportation, walking through walls, going forwards and backwards in time are all known to be possible in quantum mechanics today. Incidentally, how they work is exactly how Yoga describes they work. For instance levitation is achieived in QM by manipulating a subtle quantum force known as the casimir force and changing its polarity to repulse to cause objects to levitate. In Yoga levitation is achieived by manipulating a subtle pranic force known as udana vayu(repulsive/upwards force) to cause objects to levitate.

Also: Noone else does share what is going on in our minds, they don’t know what we think, visualize, dream.

This is not a fact but a theory. You do not know this as a fact. As I said you only have proof for your own mind but not that others have minds. Just looking at the physical behaviour of somebody does not give proof they have mind, because everybodies physical behaviour is different. Perhaps I could say a paralysed person has no mind or an animal has no mind.

Moreover, the scientific evidence contradicts your assumption that mind is just a private thing inside your body. Studies in Near death experiences and out of body experiences have shown that minds can interact with each other on the mental plane and also interact with objects on the physical plane. It is a common experience for people to report having the same dream. Logic does not support the private mind theory either. If mind was inside the physical body then why is that we can’t find it? Why can’t we split open the head of somebody and find their thoughts, memories? Now, scientific studies have also shown by neurobiology Kari Pribream that memories are not located at any location in the brain but they are non-local.

So there is a very obvious difference between our dreaming-visualizing-fantasyzing and our waking consciousness. You cannot deny that.

Here, as well, I’d really like to see your direct response. What do you think of particularly these arguments? How do you integrate these true phenomenons, these obvious differences to your theory?

I had this argument recently with another member who also said there are obvious differences. In actuality The differences are only quantitative not qualitative. The world of dream has the common characteristics of constantly changing and responds to the emotions and mental states of the dream observer. There are no laws of space and time and one can go back and forth in time, and anywhere in space.

Yet this is also true of the world of waking. It is also constantly changing and it also responds to the emotions and feeling of the waking observer. This is shown by psychosomatic effects where mental states will directly create physical states. It is also clearly shown by many scientific studies show mind affecting matter. The effect has been measured and it is small. Now we know from quantum mechanics there are no laws of space and time as such and particles can interact with each other across space and go forwards and back in time.

You argue that dream content is based on waking content. This is not necessarily true because it is possible to dream of people and places you have never seen and it is also possible to discover new knowledge for example the mathematician Ramanjuna received entirely new equations of mathmatics in his dreams from a goddess. Studies in near death experiences have shown people who have come back from the experience with new knowledge of science. It is also clear the dream world is just as objective as the waking world is. In dream you also have a body and a world you navigate that we all describe to have common properties.

If you argue that this ability to discover new knowledge is just the subconscious working through knowledge received in the waking, then you need to show how this could be possible. Simply saying it is possible is not good enough. If the dream world really is a completely subjective place then there cannot be agreement on its common properties. If it really is a completely random and chaotic function of the brain working through sensory images then nothing coherent could be formed of that like new scientific knowledge and equations. Therefore the dream world cannot be a completely subjective place and it cannot be completely random.

Actually it must take place before we receive sensory data, just think of a supernova millions of lightyears away. When we first see it, the whole thing is over for millions of years already.

However. What we know about things in our waking consciousness is: They are there. Whatever they are, they are. They do exist. And they are different from other things that are there too. Because if they would not exist, there would not be that sensory data, and if they were not different from other things, the data coming from these things would not be different.

That data then is indeed arranged and stuff

You are commiting the fallacy of naive realism now. That is the fallacy that the world exactly is as it appears to our senses. Such as by assuming that the supernova is out there millions of light years away. The fact you only know of any object called a supernova is only AFTER sense perception has been constructed after recieiving sensory signals from the objects out there.
It is clear that impressions are received but it is not clear what the nature of the object is from which we are reciving the signals.

We know today that what our senses show us is not what the actual thing is. As you said yourself the signals received from a supernova 4 million light years away is an event which happened 4 million light years ago but it seems to us it is happening now. The senses show us a static and flat earth with a sun orbiting it and stars adorning our skies. The truth is the earth is a spinning sphere hurtling through space at approx 70,000 mph in orbit around the sun 91 million miles away. The senses show us as a solid and physical world, but the truth is is completely random and chaotic information waves with no space or time properties. So clearly what our senses show us is unreliable.

The truth is whatever our senses show us are just effects and senses do not show us the actual causes of things.
However what we do know is

  1. There is some kind of interaction between the observer/consciousness and the world before perception happens

  2. The sensible world that we know is actually a mental construction where the interaction is received, then processed and organized. So the world we live in is not a physical space at all but a virtual space. The brain too is a part of our sensible world.

Now logic shows clearly that no interaction can take place between dissimilar substances for examples eyes cannot smell because eyes are photosensitive and only receive light, whereas ears are sensitive to particles in the air and only receive them.

The fact that consciousness and matter do indeed interact then logically shows they are not dissimilar substances but fundamentally the same substance. They are either both matter or both consciousness. I argue they are both consciousness.

It is something that we do not create.

I agree. “We” the human observers simply access waking reality. The process of construction of perception is prior to us.

I don’t think that you can refer to the mind as a substance at all, it is closer related to information and meaning. For example when you have a wooden “Q”, like in my avatar. The actual “Q” I hold in my hand is substance, but to our mind it is an information and a meaning: Q, the all powerful being, the godlike creature.

A substance is basically something which has fixed attributes. Information is also a substance because it has attributes. However, one thing you admitted which is important to underline: mind is not like a solid substance. It is just pure information and meaning. It cannot be located in any substance.

Because neurons firing in the brain is felt as an experience…? What would you want it to feel like? A titillation?

No, I don’t think you understood what I said. There are two phenomenon here which are not reducible to each other because they are qualitatively different.

1)There is neurons firing in the brain
2) There is an experience

If you say that the experience is neurons firing in the brain then you commit a logical error because to say x is y, y has to be identical to x. However neurons firing in the brain is not identical to an experience.

Let us suppose for arguments sake that I am the brain. Then who is the one that is aware of the brain? Why is it that we access the brain and manipulate it just as we can manipulate a chair or a table?

You mean like how can we see the eye if it’s the eye we see with? We can’t. But we can look into a mirror. Other than that I don’t really know what you mean. Reultant of processes in the brain? Some other theory again? Not mine, shrugs

This is a very important question because it a fundamental logical problem with brain theories of conscousness. I can see the eyes with the mirror, but what mirror does the brain use to see itself?

It is a logical impossibility. If a cause is determining an effect the effect cannot know the cause. If I design a virtual world and populate it with characters the characters will never be able to know of the real world which produces them because the real world is the cause and they are the effects. It is impossible for them to ever know of the real world.The fact that we can know the brain therefore means it cannot be the cause of our awareness but is just another object of our awareness. This is logically watertight.

I don’t know. But I know that just because I do not know something, it does not mean that it cannot be explained. For example do I not know how a banal calculator works. But it works. Maybe the mind is create somehow like an electric or magnetic field is created, similarly. But I don’t know.

And this is another fundamental logical problem with materialism. It does not explain how any material process could generate a non material process. It is logically impossible because it would mean something coming out of something in which it is not present. Like a human couple giving birth to puppies.

To say one day we could explain it is not an explanation. It is faith, the hope for explanation?

Let us look at some logic. Do things materialise out of thin air fully formed? No, they do not. They evolve into being first from a potential state then into minute quanta of energy, then into quarks, then subatomic particles, then atoms, then molecules then gasses, then liquids, then solids. Nothing contradicts this logic. Then why should mind which you say yourself is pure information and meaning come after solid? Does it not make logical sense that it would precede all solid, liquid, gas, molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, quarks, quanta of energy?

It makes absolutely logical sense that a non-physical and virtual thing like mind would come before matter and not after it. This is also logically watertight.

No, why? If there would be no world, you could have as much consciousness as you wanted and wouldn’t perceive anything.

Consciousness is basically awareness and awareness will always be aware of something but that something could just be the field of consciousness and the individual conscious units are just points within the field of consciousness. Just as we may have reference of an external reality in dream but this is all taking place in the field of consciousness not in a separate world made of out physical matter.

The preerequisite condition that gives us any access to any world at all whether it be waking or dream is consciousness. At a certain level of consciousness we are in waking and at another level we are in dream. The world of perception changes exactly depending on what our level of consciousness is. That if you take psychoactive substances they simutaneously alter your level of conscousness and your external reference of reality. You will no longer see reality as others are seeing it.

No, you just blow out a number of indeed interesting and difficult question, answer them yourself, and then make a conclusion that fits your standpoint. That’s only rethorics. Let me do the opposite:

First: If you had no brain, you had no experience, so the brain must be fundamental.
Second: See first. If we had no brain, we would not be aware of any processes at all, so the brain must be fundamental.
Third: How can any sum of consciousness create something physical, that we perceive?
Fourth: Even the very notion of “consciousness” is not tenable, because whatever we call consciousness is based on physical information.
Fifth: Without a world there would not be perception and no consciousness, so the world is obviously more fundamental.

So idealism ends up being logically very problematic and the entire notion of “consciousness” is unfounded.

Very simple.

First: You don’t know this. What we know is that the brain and the mind are completely different things. We know they are correlated only, we don’t know that they are the same thing. A spider and a web it produces are completely different thing, but the spider can exist without the web and the web cannot exist without the spider. They are correlated, but not the same thing.

Logic tells us that the mind is obviously more fundamental than the brain because consciousness is the prerequsite condition for there to be any perception of reality at all(as proven above) and perception only takes place after the mind organizes the original information being received.

Second: This is making the assumption that we need a brain to be aware. However, the fact is clear that the brain is what we are aware of. So how it be the source of our awareness if it is an object of our awareness?

Third. This is easy. What we call physical is just another domain within the consciousness field. Like dream is. So it is not physical at all. That is just an assumption that it is physical and solid just because it “seems” that way. We know for a fact today it is not physical.

Fourth: Consciousness is the only thing that we cannot doubt. Everything else can be doubted, even the world cannot be doubted, but the fact that we are aware cannot be doubted. Obviously you would have to doubt the doubter as well. So it is the first premise that we can accept to be absolute and build our logic top-down from that. This is how Hindu metaphysics is built by first accepting the observer as absolute.

Fifth: See the First again. There is no proof that consciousness would cease if there was no world. As consciousness does not depend upon the world, but the world depends on consciousness. Just as the spider does not depend on the web, but the web depends on the spider. The world is something we are aware of, which means we are outside of the world because it is our object of awareness.

But you fail to explain where the sensory data comes from. When you’re awake, it comes from objects that different beings perceive. When you dream it comes from memories, when you sleep without dreams, there is no sensory data.

The data comes from something that is external to our reference of the world but it does not mean that it is coming from matter.

But the mind is based on my physical body, so it is logical to conclude that the physical body is more fundamental than the mind. No body no mind.

It isn’t. Your consciousness is accessing a physical body. Don’t you say “my body” if you were your body why would you say “my body” You also say “my mind” if you were your mind why would say “my mind”? So you are consciousness accessing both mind and body. Now if you say you can also say “my consciousness” then I reply that you can never see or know your own consciousness. You can see or know thoughts, sensations, personalities, memories but not consciousness.

If mind is inside the body, why haven’t we found it? We have explored ever nook and corner of the body and the brain, dissected it and sliced it to oblivion and still found no mind, let alone consciousness.

I see. Well, what it looks like, the mind we can observe is based on matter. At least have I not ever observed a mind that was not based on matter. And I am based on matter too, so I’d say that mind is a function of matter.

You have not observed a mind, period. You have only observed bodies. You have not seen anybody elses mind.

Well, but as long as the glass is solid, the space inside is unique, isn’t it. Same with consciousness

No, it is not really unique because it is a perceptual error that it is unique. Just as the mirage is not really the oasis. This is clear because from a real oasis you can drink, not from a mirage.

But my consciousness is different from yours. You say it yourself, I make all these false assumptions - you don’t. So obviously there is a difference, or how else could you notice that one? You don’t make this stuff up, do you?

No, your consciousness has different content to mine. It is not different to mine. In the end consciousness is always contentless because content will always be separate from consciousness just as the water in a glass will always be separate from the glass. This means that my consciousness and your consciousness are the same. As soon we both get rid of the content we will discover the same consciousness.

Of course. There is a me. Look, here I am.
I wouldn’t even know what enduring substance you talk about. I am this continously changing set of perceptions, patterns, activities. I am change.
Yes, just that the old me is not destroyed, it transforms into the new me constantly. A morphing process. I won’t be an elephant or a cup the next second.

Something has to be fixed to reference the world. If there is no fixed you and all you are is changing processes then there is no fixed you to reference the world or hold onto any perception. Where is the perception held? A bottomless cup cannot hold water.

Let us suppose there are 3 different parameters that make up “you” physical processes, biological processes, mental processes and all are changing. This means the “you” that is based on the 3 parameters is destroyed the next moment. The new “you” is based on the new state of the parameters. There is nothing there to link and old you and new you as there is no causal connection. In other words there could not be a “you” not even for a moment.
This is clearly false as you just said “Of course. There is me. Look here I am” You are the conscous agent that has endured between the first construction of you and the second construction of you. So you are not the aggregate produced by the 3 parameters but this aggregate is rather something you the observer are observing.

This is what is meant in Yoga and Buddhism by the “false ego” What you think you are is the false ego. What you really are is the consciousness/observer.

Can you rephrase that? I don't get your point.

I meant to say that nothing actually has substance of its own, it is we that give it substance. The personality has no substance, nor does our body and nor does the world with its cups and stuff. This entire world is held together by consciousness alone. Otherwise it would just fall apart.

No, the cup has something in itself that we perceive as coherence. We give it nothing, we interprete what it gives us. That ceasless motion of matter and mostly empty space at the atomic level and the pure information at the quantum level: That is coherence, that is a cup. It is only a false assumption about what coherence is that makes these "deeper" levels contradict the assumption. Coherence of a cup is ceasless motion, is mostly empty space, is pure information. That is coherence. You only think coherence would be something else.

When you say "we" if you mean us as human observers then you are right it is not us giving it coherence. If you mean "we" as in who we really are which is pure consciousness than yes it is "we" who are giving it coherence. It is held together by our power and we can disintegrate it with our power as well.

Such is our power we could vapourize somebody with a single thought. This is what Shiva can do when he opens his third eye. He either produces perfect vision of ultimate reality or he can destroy you. Shiva represents us the pure consciousness.

At our current level of consciousness the effects we have on the world are microscopic but with increased power of consciousness the effect we can have on the world will be tremendous. The yogis can play with matter like it is a clay and mould it as they want. Swami Yogananda describes this very clearly in Autobiography of a yogi how he met yogis that could project and manifest a second body when they wanted and materialise objects out of thin air.

This type of "magic" is only possible if idealism is true. Logic is strongly supporting idealism.

But the projector moves, so there is movement. It's just again your false assumption the movement would be "in the frames" that makes you think you found a contradiction.

Nope, it is an optical illusion. All the projector is doing is flashing several frames on the screen at the rate of 24 per second. This is giving the illusion that the picture is a seamless moving picture. There are some optical illusions which do not move at all but give the illusion of movement.

Look at this:

This is why the reality our senses present us is not reliable and true.

There are many things your senses are showing you that is not true. You cannot see into space because of the blue sky illusion and this is another optical effect caused by how your eyes sort out frequencies of light. If you cleared that up you would be able to see directly into space. This is described by Patanjali in the Yogasutras as one of the siddhis that takes place when you arrest one of energy channels into the eyes.

. So if it's ceasless motion, empty space and pure information: That must be what solidity really is.

Then that is not by definition solid. It only appears to be solid. You could walk through a wall because it is not solid. It is possible according to quantum mechanics and it has been done with micro objects:

And after all: Look at yourself with your theory of everything being just consciousness. You still have to eat. You still use the bathroom. You still drink from a cup. You still cannot walk through walls. You still don't know what's in the box before you opened it. You're still like everybody else. Is that not true?

Right, but if none of that is real, then I can walk through the wall, I can know whats in the box before opening it and many other things. Do you remember that scene in the matrix with the spoon bending. It was only possible to bend the spoon when Neo realised there was no spoon. It was only possible to fly when he realised there was no gravity. It was only possible to stop bullets when he realised there were no bullets. So if all of this is indeed true and this is what logic, yoga and quantum mechanics is saying then you are living in false reality and because of this you are depriving yourself of great wonders that you can do, but you just have not realised it yet

Give up - some day at least - all these assumptions and the attempt to find out what existence really is. You won't find it. It might find you, for example in meditation or in the spirit of a moment. But - I tried it myself for a couple of years (how old are you btw? I'm close to 40) and for a while it is tempting as you might really find assumptions that are less unlikely than the ones you had at that point - you will not find it in theories, books, texts, models, no matter how smart you are or how much knowledge you acquired.

I am not making no assumptions at all. I am explaining the world around me with the best explanation that can explain everything I know from mind to body to conscousness and that is idealism. I reject your opinion that the truth cannot be known through logic or through books. It can be, and logic always is later backed up by empirical proof. We knew the earth went around the sun long before we got empirical proof with telescopes or going out into space. We knew about atoms existing long before we had empirical proof. We knew and predicted various atomic elements we had not found with the periodic table.

Logic has never failed us. The truth is always logical.

The practice of Yoga and meditation would not have been invented without rational investigations.

If you do not prove things first by using logic, like whether a certain practice is going to work, then you are subscribing to faith. If a Chrisitian says to get a baptism and follow the path of Christianity and promised you great wonders later you could only accept it on faith value. Similarly, Yoga and meditation promise great wonders(yoking you to the divine consciousness, blisss, powers) after few years of training. Again accepting that claim would be faith. However, if you study the logic behind it then you know it is scientific and accepting thereafter is not faith.

Like I have said elsewhere Yoga is a very exact and technical science with both theory and practice. It is not some mystical hocus pocus.

Hi Surya Deva,

Fair enough. I would like to request you though to not break up my sentences when you quote me and to quote enough of the paragraph so the whole point is being addressed. Otherwise, it seems you are taking things I say out of context and not addressing the whole point. It also creates too many fragments and makes it a bit messy.
well, I think that won’t be a problem anyway, because I must say that this discussion fails to interest me further. The problem is that I see no or only little, partial logic in what you’re saying. The worst thing is that when you, as I asked you to, deal with my arguments, you appear, hm, like you’d in the first line be interested to enforce your standpoint at all cost and that you are neither interested in mine, nor even remotely think that you could be wrong at all. You - and you say that yourself - think, you have figured it all out. But your logic… Well, I do not find it so logical, and your science? To me it’s a combination of faith and rethorics.

But I show you with your first post, and if you care, you can try to show me how my impression is wrong:

[quote]However, if the nature of existence is a fundamental consciousness, that fundamental consciousness is a) not ours in the same way our obvious consciousness is and b) creating some sort of realm that you and me and the cup and the elephant share. That realm has common laws and within it, the cup would indeed be pure consciousness, but it is pure consciousness with characteristics, that let you and me perceive it as a cup.

Also, while we have some power over our thoughts and imagination, we do not have the same power over that fundamental consciousness. We can, particularly when we close our eyes, morph the cup into a pink elephant doing a moonwalk. But the actual cup standing on our desk will refuse to obey our commands.

Yes, but this does not mean it is real anymore.[/quote]It does not mean it is real anymore. You’re right. But I did not claim it would be real anymore. I said:

I think what we are discussing here is realism, and I must say you are giving some very stong arguments, which are causing me to think. The arguments you are advancing is the latest philosophical position argued by realists, called critical realism. However, if this continuum goes beyond physical into the non physical realm, “sensory data, thought patterns, waves of possibility in a consciousness field, pure consciousness” then realism no longer holds. If it is true that everything really is fundamentally pure consciousness, then idealism is the truth.
The idea of everything being fundamentally pure consciousness does not stand against my position. It could, though, as well be a physical realm, I just don’t know.[/quote]So I am not arguing for realism and my point is, that if the nature of existence is a fundamental consciousness, it is not ours, and we have (to have) a consciousness within that fundamental consciousness. And therefore, indeed there are things outside our consciousness within that fundamental consciousness, so it is valid to speak of an outside world. For example is your consciousness outside mine. They might both exist within a fundamental consciousness, but yours is outside of mine and mine is outside of yours. And the famous cup is outside of them both. Or, if you want me to be ultra-exact, it appears to be that way.

Which, and that’s where I might agree, does not make your or my or that fundamental consciousness or the nature of existence more real in terms of your realism (with which I am not so familiar, though, to actually state that I agree without doubt).

Realism hinges on the definition that there are external things out there completely independent of us. If everything is made out of pure consciousness this by definition is known as idealism.
Fine. What is your definition of “dependence”? How, for example, do I depend on you? Or how do you depend on the fly on the wall of my neighbours bathroom?

Although we have an ordinary consciousness we have the capacity to expand our consciousness towards pure consciousness. Then we have the same powers of that fundamental consciousness. At that level we can morph, play, and do whatever we like with the object.
Can you do that? And can you prove you can do that if you can do that? No? Well then: It’s hearsay.

Patanjali dedicates an entire chapter in the Yogasutras in Siddhis that come when our consciousness becomes pure. Nothing is impossible then, flying, become invisible, teleporting, changing size, controlling the elements, going forwards and backwards in time are abilities Patanjali describes at the higher stages of meditation.
I’m not a man of faith, so whatever The Great Patanjali says is of no relevance for me, as long as I cannot double-check it myself. And I can’t double-check these things, so it’s:


There are several discourses on the Siddhis that are developed in Yoga and several studies in modern science clearly showing matter does respond to mind, but only people with certain kinds of cultivated mind. Some abilities where we can use mind are proven beyond a reason of doubt such as regulating body temperature and controlling otherwise involutary bodily processes that yogis can do.
I am aware of that. Yogis and other people can control some of their bodily processes that modern science actually considers/considered as involuntary. I even know of some rare (and to my knowledge questionable) cases, where individuals were allegedly able to control stuff outside their body, like the needle of a compass. At least, it could not be shown why the needle moved, which does not yet mean, it was really done by their mind. But there is no study to prove beyond a reason of doubt that people can fly or become invisible or travel through time, so after all there is no proof for your statement that we can do all these things and it all remains a belief, hearsay, faith, religion, and all sorts of things, but: Science and logic.

[quote]Why? How did you come to be one? Personal experience? Do you like the idea? Did books convince you? Or a person?
Logic has fully convinced me. I have worked it all out from the start to finish and logic shows that idealism is the only explanation that explains the facts of the world.[/quote]What logic is that? What is logical? I mean: You cannot fly, can you? So what logic convinced you it is as much of a fact as the wetness of water? Seriously: From my perspective I am speaking with a religious fanatic. All that “we Hindus are teh greatest”-stuff adding to that just perfectly. And you claim it’s science and logic instead of hocus-pocus.

[quote]We have such reason, I just mentioned it: We are capable of imagination and memory. Not only can we remember an elephant once we have seen it, but we can also imagine the elephant doing all sorts of things. It is very simple for us to visualize an elephant doing a backflip. And we can even create new beings and objects. And ideas. I can imagine that I can fly. Across the whole universe. But can I really do it? Here and now? Take off? Nopy.

What is within the realm of possibility is based on how much we know about the world. It was considered impossible that heaiver than air objects could fly. The Wright Brothers proved this wrong. It was considered impossible that can object travel faster than the speed of sound. This was proven wrong. Recently, it was considered impossible that anything could go faster than the speed of light or that a vacuum could produce any energy, this was proven wrong by quantum mechanics.[/quote]Annoying. Look, you said this:

The main reason that realists argue that things are real is because thing seem to be separate from us, such as the cup. We idealists do not deny this, but just because something is separate and external from us does not mean it is made out of a physical stuff. Even in a dream, we see things as separate and external from us, such as dreaming of an elephant, does this mean the dream elephant is a real thing made out of physical stuff. No, of course not. Similary, we have no more reason to believe that things in our waking consciousness are anymore real or physical.
So you say there is no reason to believe that things in our waking consciousness are anymore real or physical than the things in our dreams. Right? I did not misunderstand you, did I?

But then I gave you such reason: We can manipulate the things in our dreams and our fantasy. And we cannot do that with the things in our awake perception. So we do have that reason to believe these things are more real than those we only imagine. That is a valid argument, and while I do not know so much about QM, I know a whole lot about arguments.

And whatever the reason might be why there is this obvious difference between the waking mind and the one that is dreaming or fantasying: There is this difference. So there is this reason to believe some things are more real than others.

Human flying, teleportation, walking through walls, going forwards and backwards in time are all known to be possible in quantum mechanics today. Incidentally, how they work is exactly how Yoga describes they work. For instance levitation is achieived in QM by manipulating a subtle quantum force known as the casimir force and changing its polarity to repulse to cause objects to levitate. In Yoga levitation is achieived by manipulating a subtle pranic force known as udana vayu(repulsive/upwards force) to cause objects to levitate.
As I said, I do not know much about QM, but I know that it is the mechanics of quantums, and quantums are those very tiny thingies. Like an electron. And I also know that the laws of QM as they describe quantums do not apply 1:1 to large clusters of quantums, like for example a cup. The cup is considered a limit case of QM, and the whole Newton-mechanics is a limit case of QM, so the QM does not disprove Newton’s mechanics. A cup does not behave like an electron, for example do you know very well where it is and at what speed it does move, both at the same time.

So whatever is possible with one quantum, like beaming a photon or tunneling it beyond the speed of light, does not prove that the same thing is possible with objects that are created of billions * billions * billions * billions of quantums.

Is that not true? I checked Wikipedia, as it’s been a while since I read oh-so-many books on all sorts of subjects:

Quantum mechanics (QM), also known as quantum physics or quantum theory, is a branch of physics providing a mathematical description of much of the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interactions of energy and matter. It departs from classical mechanics primarily at the atomic and subatomic scales. In advanced topics of QM, some of these behaviors are macroscopic and only emerge at very low or very high energies or temperatures. The name, coined by Max Planck, derives from the observation that some physical quantities can be changed only by discrete amounts, or quanta, as multiples of the Planck constant, rather than being capable of varying continuously or by any arbitrary amount. For example, the angular momentum, or more generally the action, of an electron bound into an atom or molecule is quantized. An electron bound in an atomic orbital has quantized values of angular momentum while an unbound electron does not exhibit quantized energy levels. In the context of QM, the wave?particle duality of energy and matter and the uncertainty principle provide a unified view of the behavior of photons, electrons and other atomic-scale objects.

The mathematical formulations of quantum mechanics are abstract and the implications are often non-intuitive in terms of classic physics. The centerpiece of the mathematical system is the wavefunction. The wavefunction is a mathematical function that can provide information about the probability amplitude of position and momentum of a particle. Mathematical manipulations of the wavefunction usually involve the bra-ket notation, which requires an understanding of complex numbers and linear functionals. The wavefunction emphasizes the object as a quantum harmonic oscillator and the mathematics is akin to that of acoustics, resonance. Many of the results of QM do not have models that are easily visualized in terms of classical mechanics; for instance, the ground state in the quantum mechanical model is a non-zero energy state that is the lowest permitted energy state of a system, rather than a more traditional system that is thought of as simply being at rest with zero kinetic energy.
So you cannot take the theories or experimental results of QM and simply project the behaviour of an electron or a photon onto a human body - besides that I must doubt you have that understanding of complex numbers and linear functionals to actutally speak from a standpoint of comprehension, do you?

Therefore: Human

  • flying,
  • teleportation,
  • walking through walls,
  • going forwards and backwards in time
    is not all known to be possible in quantum mechanics today. Not at all.

[quote]Also: Noone else does share what is going on in our minds, they don’t know what we think, visualize, dream.

This is not a fact but a theory. You do not know this as a fact.[/quote]This is not a fact but a theory. You do not know this as a fact. Do you?

But you’re right, I do not know this as a fact. Maybe you know what is going on in my mind. Do you? No?! See. And what about the people around you, do you know what’s going on in their mind? No?! See. And have you ever known what was going on in anybody’s mind? No? And has anybody ever known what was going on in your mind? No?! See.

You should get my point. But you don’t wanna.

As I said you only have proof for your own mind but not that others have minds. Just looking at the physical behaviour of somebody does not give proof they have mind, because everybodies physical behaviour is different. Perhaps I could say a paralysed person has no mind or an animal has no mind.

Moreover, the scientific evidence contradicts your assumption that mind is just a private thing inside your body.
I don’t make that assumption.

Studies in Near death experiences and out of body experiences have shown that minds can interact with each other on the mental plane and also interact with objects on the physical plane. It is a common experience for people to report having the same dream. Logic does not support the private mind theory either. If mind was inside the physical body then why is that we can’t find it? Why can’t we split open the head of somebody and find their thoughts, memories? Now, scientific studies have also shown by neurobiology Kari Pribream that memories are not located at any location in the brain but they are non-local.
All the things you know, man, it’s overwhelming.

You see, this part of our “discussion” is about differences between that waking reality and dreams and fantasies and visualisations. In case you forgot. You say there is no difference. Then I point at such differences: I can manipulate in one realm and I cannot in others. And here, about my discrete mind, I point at the fact, that if you and me were together in a room, and we had to describe what’s standing on the table, we would both say: A cup. We share that reality. And if we had to describe what the other is visualizing in their head, we wouldn’t be able to.

Then you say all sorts of things to deconstruct my argument. As I said, that’s all a theory can do, deconstruct other theories. And your attempt, I’m disappointed to have to say that, is weak and sorta embarrassing. You say my argument is just a theory. :lol: No dude, it’s a fact. You don’t know what’s going on in anybody elses mind. And I do not. And to assume, someone does, is a theory, that contradicts billions of lifetimes of experience. I don’t even say it’s impossible, don’t get me wrong, which you shouldn’t, since I have pointed out several times that my standpoint is one of eternal nescience. Maybe humans can fly, I don’t know. You claim that. You claim to know and have facts and stuff, and it’s logic and science. And then you have a note about the invention of flight. And some near death experiments I never heard of. And I’m like “huh…?”.

And all along, there still is a bunch of mega differences between the states of mind we discuss. Which you deny, which is quite amusing to some degree, but, I said it, boring and pointless to discuss with you. You just want to enforce your viewpoint at all costs. You refuse to admit to anything that endangeres your position. That’s fanatic, dear.

[quote]So there is a very obvious difference between our dreaming-visualizing-fantasyzing and our waking consciousness. You cannot deny that.

Here, as well, I’d really like to see your direct response. What do you think of particularly these arguments? How do you integrate these true phenomenons, these obvious differences to your theory?
I had this argument recently with another member who also said there are obvious differences. In actuality The differences are only quantitative not qualitative.[/quote]No, the obvious differences are qualitative. I can close my eyes and visualize anything doing anything. But I cannot change a dust particle of reality with my mind. That is a qualitative difference. And that is even still a major difference if it would be possible to do such changes, because obviously certain circumstances and abilities are necessary to do that - which, don’t get me wrong, I do not deny to be possible.

The world of dream has the common characteristics of constantly changing and responds to the emotions and mental states of the dream observer. There are no laws of space and time and one can go back and forth in time, and anywhere in space.

Yet this is also true of the world of waking.
No, it’s not, in the world of waking there are laws of space and time.

It is also constantly changing and it also responds to the emotions and feeling of the waking observer. This is shown by psychosomatic effects where mental states will directly create physical states.
Show me these effects please.

It is also clearly shown by many scientific studies show mind affecting matter.
Show me those scientific studies please.

The effect has been measured and it is small.
Show me please.

99% of your arguments rest upon “many scientific studies”. The very validity of any study is already questionable, isn’t it. Mind affects matter: Prove it to me! Some experiment said it happened? Has the experiment been reproduced by others? Is it accepted by the scientific world? Or is it just a study that provides a result you like?

Now we know from quantum mechanics there are no laws of space and time as such and particles can interact with each other across space and go forwards and back in time.
Humans are not particles and QM does not describe the level where humans act.

You argue that dream content is based on waking content. This is not necessarily true because it is possible to dream of people and places you have never seen and it is also possible to discover new knowledge for example the mathematician Ramanjuna received entirely new equations of mathmatics in his dreams from a goddess.
A mathematician came up with equations. And that is your proof that a dream has nothing to do with the waking world. The funny thing: You’re even serious! :lol:

Look: Someone dreams of a place he has never seen. Let’s say that place even exists: Are you sure he has never seen it? Maybe he saw it as a child? Or on a picture? A film? But forgot? Same with people? Impossible? How? Can you prove it? No!

Now that mathematician, I googled and I guess you mean Srinivasa Ramanujan, right? First off I’d like to know how you know that he actually came up with anything in a dream. Were you there, in said dream? Have you other proof? No, you want to believe that. Let’s believe it: The guy was obviously a naturally gifted mathematical genious. And that ingenious mathematician came up with equations in his dream? Holy lord, how would that be incredible? It’s the stuff his mind is occupied with. So it’s no surprise said mind is occupied with mathematics in a non-conscious state as well. And in that state creates “new” ideas as well. There is some legend about how the structure of Benzene was first discovered in a dream too, with six monkeys. Same with the Devil’s Trill Sonata. No big deal.

To you this is proof? Logic? Come one!

Studies in near death experiences have shown people who have come back from the experience with new knowledge of science.
Show me those studies please and I will comment on them. Well, unless I have to read too much. :smiley:

It is also clear the dream world is just as objective as the waking world is.
Waitaminute, is that really a fact or just a theory…?

In dream you also have a body and a world you navigate that we all describe to have common properties.
Really? Wow… I thought you had no body and no world, and you would be… Uhm… Well… Something else! What? Hell, I wouldn’t know what else. Would you?


If you argue that this ability to discover new knowledge is just the subconscious working through knowledge received in the waking, then you need to show how this could be possible.
Huh? It works just like when you’re awake, it’s the same brain processing information. And that is information they acquired while they were awake. If that is not so: Show me. Simply saying it was so, is not good enough.

Simply saying it is possible is not good enough. If the dream world really is a completely subjective place then there cannot be agreement on its common properties. If it really is a completely random and chaotic function of the brain working through sensory images then nothing coherent could be formed of that like new scientific knowledge and equations. Therefore the dream world cannot be a completely subjective place and it cannot be completely random.
Really, your arguments make no sense at all. To me, this is a desperate attempt to enforce your position. The dreamworld is created by the mind, based on information that was delivered to the mind via the body’s sensors, so it is coming from that “outside world”. The information is then rearranged by the mind, based on personality, emotions, desires, fears, etc. And if someone comes up with something that turns out to be “new” knowledge, it is being created just the same way the mind creates “new” knowledge when it is awake, by conclusion or inspiration, by having an idea that is - wich is random chance - true.

So… Maybe you had a bad day. Maybe you need some more time to process my arguments. Maybe you are not used to being refuted. Maybe you had a reasonable reason to present this… stuff. Maybe you have problems to grasp my actual position. Maybe all of it. But if you know “very exact and technical science with both theory and practice” and “rational investigations”, you understand, that this is not it. If you like, you can try again, if you don’t, that’s ok too. :wink:


well, I think that won’t be a problem anyway, because I must say that this discussion fails to interest me further. The problem is that I see no or only little, partial logic in what you’re saying. The worst thing is that when you, as I asked you to, deal with my arguments, you appear, hm, like you’d in the first line be interested to enforce your standpoint at all cost and that you are neither interested in mine, nor even remotely think that you could be wrong at all. You - and you say that yourself - think, you have figured it all out. But your logic… Well, I do not find it so logical, and your science? To me it’s a combination of faith and rethorics.

I think this is rather unfair considering I spent 4 posts responding to each and everyone one your points with arguments, reason and illustration. You requested that I respond to each of them and this is what I did(I will also respond to the personality points as well, I had to stop because I had written too much). This shows my eagerness, sincerty and honesty to debate with you.

You missed many of the strongerst points I made to you, and responded only to relatively weaker ones. We cannot have double standards. I will respond to each of your points and you will respond to mine. The failure to engage my points is basically conceding the debate to me. You should not enter a debate, if you are not going to follow through with it to the end or will refuse to engage points your opponent is making. Even if that be a refutation.

I have made it clear my position is idealism. So of course my main interest is going to be demonstrating my position. You claim I am using faith and rheotric. Not at all, I am using argument with reason. Here are many arguments I provided that you have not responded to:

You are commiting the fallacy of naive realism now. That is the fallacy that the world exactly is as it appears to our senses. Such as by assuming that the supernova is out there millions of light years away. The fact you only know of any object called a supernova is only AFTER sense perception has been constructed after recieiving sensory signals from the objects out there.
It is clear that impressions are received but it is not clear what the nature of the object is from which we are reciving the signals.

We know today that what our senses show us is not what the actual thing is. As you said yourself the signals received from a supernova 4 million light years away is an event which happened 4 million light years ago but it seems to us it is happening now. The senses show us a static and flat earth with a sun orbiting it and stars adorning our skies. The truth is the earth is a spinning sphere hurtling through space at approx 70,000 mph in orbit around the sun 91 million miles away. The senses show us as a solid and physical world, but the truth is is completely random and chaotic information waves with no space or time properties. So clearly what our senses show us is unreliable.

The truth is whatever our senses show us are just effects and senses do not show us the actual causes of things.

If you say that the experience is neurons firing in the brain then you commit a logical error because to say x is y, y has to be identical to x. However neurons firing in the brain is not identical to an experience.

Let us suppose for arguments sake that I am the brain. Then who is the one that is aware of the brain? Why is it that we access the brain and manipulate it just as we can manipulate a chair or a table?

It is a logical impossibility. If a cause is determining an effect the effect cannot know the cause. If I design a virtual world and populate it with characters the characters will never be able to know of the real world which produces them because the real world is the cause and they are the effects. It is impossible for them to ever know of the real world.The fact that we can know the brain therefore means it cannot be the cause of our awareness but is just another object of our awareness. This is logically watertight.

Let us look at some logic. Do things materialise out of thin air fully formed? No, they do not. They evolve into being first from a potential state then into minute quanta of energy, then into quarks, then subatomic particles, then atoms, then molecules then gasses, then liquids, then solids. Nothing contradicts this logic. Then why should mind which you say yourself is pure information and meaning come after solid? Does it not make logical sense that it would precede all solid, liquid, gas, molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, quarks, quanta of energy?

It makes absolutely logical sense that a non-physical and virtual thing like mind would come before matter and not after it. This is also logically watertight.

The preerequisite condition that gives us any access to any world at all whether it be waking or dream is consciousness. At a certain level of consciousness we are in waking and at another level we are in dream. The world of perception changes exactly depending on what our level of consciousness is. That if you take psychoactive substances they simutaneously alter your level of conscousness and your external reference of reality. You will no longer see reality as others are seeing it.

It isn’t. Your consciousness is accessing a physical body. Don’t you say “my body” if you were your body why would you say “my body” You also say “my mind” if you were your mind why would say “my mind”? So you are consciousness accessing both mind and body. Now if you say you can also say “my consciousness” then I reply that you can never see or know your own consciousness. You can see or know thoughts, sensations, personalities, memories but not consciousness.

If mind is inside the body, why haven’t we found it? We have explored ever nook and corner of the body and the brain, dissected it and sliced it to oblivion and still found no mind, let alone consciousness.

I have full intention to respond to all of your points you made because I am a sincere and honest debator, however this will hinge on you being honest and sincere yourself and addressing these points. If you do not, then it will become clear to me you do not want an honest and sincere debate with me. I need to know this because I don’t want to waste my time with somebody who is not going to engage the points I spend such a great amount of time and energy formulating.

An argument is anything which gives a reason for a thesis. It is testable because you can either validate or invalidate the reason for the thesis. All arguments I have given have a reason supporting it. If you can invalidate it you will refute my argument and I will have to concede it to you.

to me the debates are overboard, but if you like them continue. many times no one can ever beat me in an argument, why, because I dont care to persuade you so therefor i dont loose, nor win. but sincerely, when is enough, enough. do you have a child you love, a person you love, a personal inquiry that you find interesting. Id rather here about that, but thats just me
best to you
brother Neil

Hi Surya Deva,

look: You agree, points you made are weak. Why do you make weak points? Make only strong points, dude. You claim, other points than the ones I replied to (simply the first post) are stronger and I have to reply to them now? Well, I disagree with both of that. But since you at least admit to making weak points, I’ll - as a demonstration - reply to another point that you clearly consider to be strong. It’s again simply the first one of those strong points:

What do we know about things in our waking consciousness? We know that whatever we see in our waking consciousness takes place only after we receive sensory data from an external source
Actually it must take place before we receive sensory data, just think of a supernova millions of lightyears away. When we first see it, the whole thing is over for millions of years already.

However. What we know about things in our waking consciousness is: They are there. Whatever they are, they are. They do exist. And they are different from other things that are there too. Because if they would not exist, there would not be that sensory data, and if they were not different from other things, the data coming from these things would not be different.

That data then is indeed arranged and stuff [/quote]You
You are commiting the fallacy of naive realism now. That is the fallacy that the world exactly is as it appears to our senses. Such as by assuming that the supernova is out there millions of light years away. The fact you only know of any object called a supernova is only AFTER sense perception has been constructed after recieiving sensory signals from the objects out there.
It is clear that impressions are received but it is not clear what the nature of the object is from which we are reciving the signals.[/quote]You see: I have over and over again stated, that I occupy a position of nescience, and that I have no idea whatsoever what the nature of anything is. I stated over and over again that I don’t know what the nature of an object is, that I don’t know what the nature of the world is, that I don’t know what the nature of existence is. Have I not? Over and over again? At least a dozen times? Did I not particularly point it out? Did I not already particularly point out that I had already particularly pointed it out?

And what do you do? You ask me “what do we know about things in our waking consciousness?”. And I say: They’re there, whatever they are. And I only mention the supernova, because you say, that what we see takes place AFTER we receive sensory data from an external source. Which is wrong, it takes place before we receive that data. And then you tell me I am commiting some fallacy of some naive realism and would assume the world is exactly as it appears to me senses. So I’m like “:o”, cuz I stated over and over and over again that I have no idea what stuff “really” is.

So what’s your strong point? I think: This guy doesn’t even know what this is all about. What we are talking about. What you asked me, what I reply to. So once again your so called “strong point” is another point for me to assume that you are not at all interested in my points. Not dealing with my arguments. You’re assuming some viewpoint you read in a book and soliloquize about it. And I had to look up “soliloquize” for example, and I had to explain what this piece of our discussion is about, find those quotes, explain the context to you.

What a horrible waste of my valuable time.

You say:

I don’t want to waste my time with somebody who is not going to engage the points I spend such a great amount of time and energy formulating.
See. Same here. And you have to consider that I am not a native speaker and have to use a dictionary all the time, which is even a greater effort than just typing in my thoughts.

However, still I have written another three posts and another piece here, and you are invited to deal with my stuff and show me that it does make sense to further discuss with you. So fair of me. If you can: Serve strong points, be logical, be scientific, deal with my arguments, admit where I am right, admit where you are wrong. Admit, that you have not figured out existence from start to finnish, that would be a start inspiring confidence. And above all: Know what the hell we are talking about!

Or feel like the glorious winner of this discussion and believe I am failing to stand up to your grand wisdom. After all, that has been the fate of so many great men, ahead of their time. :lol:

Hey Brother Neil,

[QUOTE=Brother Neil;34292]do you have a child you love, a person you love, a personal inquiry that you find interesting. Id rather here about that, but thats just me[/QUOTE]I have an earthbound inquiry that I find interesting, ya gonna luv it:

You seem to have set up an avatar. But it doesn’t show. What’s going on there? Please upload something that works, I wanna know how you wish to represent yourself! :slight_smile:

well brother, I once was very philosophical, very much in the mind with thinking, lengthy explanations about this yoga, about life, origins etc…now id rather drop it, it is what it is. does that mean I wont do postures, breathing, etc… nope. maybe i will, maybe I wont
with love
brother Neil

Admit, that you have not figured out existence from start to finnish, that would be a start inspiring confidence. And above all: Know what the hell we are talking about!

I am obviously not going to do that because that is exactly what the point of contention is. Your agnostic and I am not. I am dead certain that idealism is the true nature of reality. I am prepared to defend this position to my deathbed, and I will argue it, until you refute my arguments, which you have not.

look: You agree, points you made are weak.

No, I said relatively weaker. Relative to my other points. You admit you are not a native English speaker and this may explain why you could not pick up that my statement was qualified.

And I only mention the supernova, because you say, that what we see takes place AFTER we receive sensory data from an external source. Which is wrong, it takes place before we receive that data. And then you tell me I am commiting some fallacy of some naive realism and would assume the world is exactly as it appears to me senses. So I’m like “”, cuz I stated over and over and over again that I have no idea what stuff “really” is.

Actually I am saying I agree with you the supernova does indeed take place before we receive the sensory data. I am taking it even further the very perceptual world itself(this includes supernovas, galaxies, planets, tables and chairs etc only taking place after information is received by our senses and then organized and constructed by the mind.

So we have two things here that have very technical terms in philosophy: Phenomena and Noumena. Phenomena are things as they appear to us and noumena is the actual things as they are.

The reason it was important to point out quantum physics was to show that we know for a fact that things are not as we see them. In quantum physics they are modelled as probability waves(pure information and meaning as you said earlier). They only take on physical(particular) form when they are observed. A bit like a hologram. A hologram is an inteference pattern originally, but when a laser beam is shone on the interference pattern, the intereference patterns takes on a form. I taking the reduction even further to show that if we reduce reality to what it really is it ultimately will be proven to be entirely mental. This is because, as I argued already(and you still have not responded to those arguments) it is logically impossible to reduce mind to matter. Yet logic demands that for two substances(mind and matter in this case) to interact both have to be ultimately similar else they could not interact with one another, so it demands monism. This can be either materialism(all is matter) or idealism(all is mind) Now, as it is logically impossible to reduce mind to matter materialism does not work, but idealism works because matter can be reduced to mind, because at the end of the day what we call matter is a perception that is constructed in the mind and it is something we experience within awareness. The other argument I gave was that all things are shown to begin from a potential state and then they evolve into being through aggregation and become denser and denser. In that case it would be impossible for mind to come after matter because it is infinitely less dense. It is non-physical in fact. To say mind comes after solid matter is like saying that liquid will come before gas, solid will come before liquid, human will come before amobea.

There are so many other arguments I can give which show idealism to be the only explanation that is logically true, but I will desist, because I don’t think you’re interested in continuing this debate.

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;34302]I am dead certain that idealism is the true nature of reality. I am prepared to defend this position to my deathbed.[/QUOTE]

?The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.? - Socrates

[QUOTE=Brother Neil;34299]well brother, I once was very philosophical, very much in the mind with thinking, lengthy explanations about this yoga, about life, origins etc…now id rather drop it, it is what it is. does that mean I wont do postures, breathing, etc… nope. maybe i will, maybe I wont
with love
brother Neil[/QUOTE]

There are some people who accept logic and some people who do not and accept only what is empirical. However, the fact is clear that if you want to know anything that cannot be known by the empirical, you need logic.

If you stick to what is only empirical you can never know anything which is supersensible and invisible. The fact is there are many things which are in the category of supersensible before we discover them: ultraviolet and infrared light, x rays, radiation, microrganism, dna, gravity. There still many things we do not have empirical proof of which are supersensible and we accept: such as atoms, electrons, quarks, gravity.

Many entities science deals with are not empirical but theoretical based on logic. So I see no objection then using similar logical methods to conclude metaphysical conclusions.

[QUOTE=YogiAdam;34305]?The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.? - Socrates[/QUOTE]

That statement itself is not philosophically defensible becaus the statement claims to have knowledge of the absence of knowledge.

We know somethings of course.

[QUOTE=Surya Deva;34308]That statement itself is not philosophically defensible becaus the statement claims to have knowledge of the absence of knowledge.

We know somethings of course.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I know, every religion is immune from being refuted. If you think you know, then you can’t be touched. Religion is like a bodyguard that keeps your ego safe.