Fibromyalgia question

Q ? from Tatiana. 1 - I have a new student with fibromyalgia. I am not sure where to start with her, besides pranayama and sitting. Many movements create pain. I understood your answer about Asana is not Yoga. Yet, it is very difficult for these students to sit and breathe. Any suggestions?

I recommend emphasis upon relaxation in between movements. And all movements to be connected with breathing, so that reflex of breathing becomes established. Fibromyalgia clients often hold their breath and when they don?t they are shallow breathers. Establishing long deliberate breath with exhalation twice as long as inhalation is the goal. Doing this will create oxygen saturated blood and promote energy. Studies show that deep breathing creates 7x the oxygen availability of shallow breathing. Give them poses they can do ? lying or standing if sitting is painful - but emphasize breathing.