
I have done it, the same like you

a few thoughts yona,
one thing you said is that you teach some kind of secret thing, you have a secret method, something like that Many people claim to have the “secret” or the best thing going. why even use such language? Why not let the results speak for themselves? also, you said you work with people who dont have psychological issues. Really, People look for God their whole life but do not find a satisfactory answer and yet they have no psychological issues? That I find really hard to believe, maybe upon reealization the view will change. Also, if people give you all this when in your pressence, just stay in that presence and you will have no need for a house or car etc… people will just give you what you need.

just some thoughts
Brother Neil

[B]Q) [/B] one thing you said is that you teach some kind of secret thing, you have a secret method, something like that Many people claim to have the “secret” or the best thing going. why even use such language? Why not let the results speak for themselves?
[B]A) [/B] First off, I never said I teach any “Secret thing,” where did you get that idea? I do have a book which is about to be published which is entitled:

“Rapid Enlightenment through Spiritual Initiation:
Beyond the Secret . . . The Path of the Masters”

There is no mention of me teaching anything which is secret in the title. I stated that it is beyond the book which came out about 2 years ago entitled “The Secret.” Please make sure you read my website prior to making any unfounded accusations.

[B]Q) [/B]also, you said you work with people who don’t have psychological issues. Really, People look for God their whole life but do not find a satisfactory answer and yet they have no psychological issues? That I find really hard to believe, maybe upon realization the view will change.
[B]A) [/B] Once again - you are twisting words to suit your point of view. I said the following (which you can scroll back to and read for yourself):
“There have been a few cases in the past where I have referred clients to others in the Psychology and Psychiatry fields, etc. These fields are not my primary focus [B]as I tend to work with psychologically healthy individuals for the most part.”[/B] I have received amongst others, clients who had severe psychological issues in the past from time to time (once again - not regularly). Most of my clients have their head on straight and are spiritually inclined, that is to say that they are seeking enlightenment, and they are looking for a better way to do things.

[B]Q) [/B] Also, if people give you all this when in your presence, just stay in that presence and you will have no need for a house or car etc… people will just give you what you need.
[B]A) [/B] Once again you are stretching what I have stated to serve your point of view. What I said was the following:
"I also experienced a Christed state of consciousness for 10 days back in 1992, during which time I became aware that I am my Christ-Self and not the body or mind. During this state, people around me treated me as such as well. This was no longer merely an internal experience, but a shared reality. People within 10 feet of my physical body would automatically enter a tremendous Blissful state of Equanimity (it was a combination of a Christed bliss and Equanimity) automatically. People in restaurants gave me free food wherever I went, even though I did not ask for any. I realized that I was one with everybody and everything.

All of the above and much more can be viewed on my website at:"

Where in my answer above do so read that I could have anything that I wanted or that I would ever except a car etc from someone? In that state of consciousness, I was humble and extremely honest to the core. I do beieve that if I truly needed something it would have been supplied to me in some manner, however, I did not need anything during that time, so I never had the opportunity to test that theory out. Also the “Experience” I mentioned above was just that - an Experience. It lasted the amount of time I mentioned above and then my body could no longer hold that level of light so it stopped. It was a tremendous amount of energy re-wiring my brain and after the initial 10 day period, I had a tremendous migraine for an additional 2 months, during which time I was processing all of the light that entered during those 10 days. It was not my conscious choice to initiate this state of consciousness in the first place and it certainly was not my choice to halt the process in the end either, so how could I have merely decided to continue living in it?

Before making these types of remarks, you really should have read my website because all of these things are clearly answered within those pages.

You will never catch me in a lie because I am an honest person to the core. If you do not believe the experiences I have mentioned - That is perfectly fine with me. It is not for the uninitiated, it is for the upliftment of those seeking a higher experience in their own life.

In the future I really only wish to answer questions, which are based on what I actually stated, and information from my website, otherwise I am merely restating information which is in its original form.

God Bless, Yona Jyotiananda.

Thanks for your time in responding,

If we are going to use quotes then why just take two words from my quote. I said "one thing you said is that you teach some kind of secret thing, you have a secret method, something like that"
the reason I said this is I read much of what you said on here and that thought came up, there was too much to reread on here to go find the exact quote again.

the second question
ok, the quoting was not perfect
for the most part people who have not found spirtual fulifillment are psychologially healthy people? Many of these people avoid psychologists because psychology cannot help spiritual seekers. The is just the limited perspective that this being Neil has gained.

as far as the christ like state, that must have been a cool ride, how do I get that?

I never called you a liar, I said in the beginning " a few thoughts" if you are honest, you are honest no matter what I or anyone else believes, take comfort in that.
sometimes I instigate, that is ok, you know the truth of your being better then I know the truth of your being.

I will be going to sleep now, if you would like you can send me some healing. I do believe that some people can tap into things much greater then what we percieve everyday

my best to you
brother neil

I am very happy to see that your second posting was more loving than your first.

Take a few minutes and read my website’s 16 links located on the left hand side of the Home Page and numbered 1 thru 16. I believe you will find all of the answers to these and many more questions there.

If you still have questions after you have read my site, I would be happy to attempt to answer whatever I am able.

God Bless, Yona Jyotiananda.

Yona, what process takes places in terms of meridians, chakras, divine light, when a muscle is growing?

The Astral body is an energetic replica of the physical body (or truly it is the other way around). Whatever happens in the physical body is preceded by that occurrence in the Astral Body. When the physical body is damaged however, the astral body will also display that damage, such as in the case of a cut or even a wart.

When a spiritual healer offers a healing, it is on the astral body, not the physical one. The energies trickle down into the physical and then the physical body becomes impacted by that process. When we move the physical arms and legs, we are actually moving the astral arms and legs within the physical body. This can be easily proven because when someone loses a limb, and they wake up in the morning, they can still feel their toes and/or hands and fingers etc. What they are actually feeling is their astral hands and fingers, not their physical ones. After their brain switches its perception from astral to physical, then they realize that their hand and fingers are missing (as an example).

The Kundalini creates the Chakra System first, then the astral body, then the physical body comes last. It creates from the Crown Chakra downwardly to the Base Chakra.

Once again, all of this and more information can be found on my website.

God Bless, Yona Jyotiananda.

Hi, Yona,
I have been visiting traditional chinese medicine practitioner yesterday, and after I showed him the way divine white light travels during Macro Cosmic Orbit, he commented that the proper direction of flow in the meridian which is located at the back of the leg is downwards. And he stated that flowing energy upwards would cause health problems. Would you be so kind to solve this missunderstanding.

I have been notified that the moderator of this thread needs to remove links to my website, therefore, this will be my last posting in this series of [B]Q[/B]uestions and [B]A[/B]nswers.

[B]Q)[/B] I have been visiting traditional chinese medicine practitioner yesterday, and after I showed him the way divine white light travels during Macro Cosmic Orbit, he commented that the proper direction of flow in the meridian which is located at the back of the leg is downwards. And he stated that flowing energy upwards would cause health problems. Would you be so kind to solve this missunderstanding.
[B]A)[/B] The Chinese Medicine Practitioner is absolutely correct about the Normal flow of the body’s energy. The main meridian in the body flows up the front of the body and ending at the tip of the tongue. It then resumes its loop from the soft pallet just behind the upper teeth, and continues down the back of the body.

The differences between physical health and spiritual advancement are sometimes seemingly in opposition to each other, as in the case of food for example:

[B]Physical Health:[/B] Eating Lower Vibrational foods such as garlic and onions are said to be good for you body and health.

[B]Spiritual Health:[/B] Eating Higher Vibrational foods such as milk and honey are said to be good for spiritual growth, but lower vibrational foods such as meat, garlic and onions are said to retard spiritual growth.

So, when a person is sick they eat foods of a lower frequency such as garlic and onions to regain their health (good for the heart and blood), however, it is the opposite for spiritual practices.

The natural energy flow in the body is up the front and down the back, but if you wish to burn off Karmas, then you will follow the method I emailed to you because I received it directly from one of the foremost masters in the world, who intern received it from his Tibetan Buddhist Monk Master.

Also, because it brought me to its natural culmination of a powerful White/Light experience (as intended).

This is exact same process used by the monks of Tibet in order to raise their spiritual vibration and frequency and to burn off enormous amounts of Karmas. Also, in Chinese medicine, practitioners are only taught (generally speaking) what they need to know for health, but they are not taught any significant information or practices in regard to spiritual growth. They are taught that health is the key to spiritual growth, and that is simply not the case. It is Very important that you maintain your health, true, BUT, if you are not burning off Karmas, then you are not growing spiritually.

If you follow the Kriya Yoga practices of Paramahansa Yogananda, then you will once again see the energies being brought up the back and down the front of the body in opposition to normal energy flow, but even Yogananda has watered down his system a bit from what he was taught by Kriya Babaji Nagaraj.

I hope that answered your question successfully. I will not be answering any additional questions in this thread. Thank you for your interactions.

God Bless, Yona Jyotiananda.

It is a good idea, when link posting in forums is being controlled automatically or manually by the moderator. Also I am a bit surprised that a letter from a moderator related to links is a considerable reason that affects your decisions, Yona. This thread was closed a few days ago and I contacted the moderator requesting explanation. I am happy that it is open now. Anyway in this case I am thinking to start a new thread related to Yona Jyotiananda(I wonder if this name is his passport) in another forum and he would join it or not.

Probably there are no rules in this forum. At least I don’t see them written anywhere. So why she(moderator) is asking to remove the links I don’t understand.

This has proven to be a rather fascinating thread :slight_smile:

As Yona has stated his desire to not answer any additional questions, I’m going to close this thread to avoid it being bumped in the future by someone wanting a question asked and it falling on deaf ears.

As owner of I instituted policies which can be read about here where we ask that people not link to their personal website except in their signature. Even then, the person must have 25 posts before the signature link becomes an active hyperlink. This was due to the large amount of people who have decided to utilize forums as marketing vehicles rather than places for the sharing of discourse.

Should any of you have any feedback or questions, you may contact me here.

Thank you, much love and hugs to each of you.